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Explain the packaging decision. How packaging is advantageous to producers, middlemen and consumers? Explain.

Explain the packaging decision. How packaging is advantageous to producers, middlemen and consumers? Explain.

Explain the packaging decision. How packaging is advantageous to producers, middlemen and consumers? Explain.

Explain the packaging decision. How packaging is advantageous to producers, middlemen and consumers? Explain.


Packaging Decision

Packaging decision is a decision taken in respect of packaging of a product. When a producer wants to take a decision regarding the product, he considers the following points-

1. Package Design: It is the very first decision taken by a producer about the packaging. The producer decides the design of packaging. Decision of design of packaging involves the following decisions –

(i) Type of material to be used in packaging,

(ii) Design of packaging,

(iii) Colours on packaging,

(iv) Matter printed on packaging,

(v) Brand name and trade mark on packaging.

Design of packaging is determined keeping in view the convenience of consumers. The design of packaging must be suitable for storage, ‘ transportation, and distribution.

2. Package Size: Decision should be taken on package size. Size differs from product to product, producer to producer and time to time. The size of package depends upon the nature of product and the quantity.

3. Cost of Package: The cost of package plays an important role in packaging decision. The package is selected after considering the cost of package and its effect on price.

4. Package Test: When a package is decided it should be assured that the package will meet the requirements of consumers. There are following four types of test-

(i) Technical Test: This test is carried out with the purpose of testing whether the package design is proper or not for the safety.

(ii) Middlemen Testing: This test is carried out to test suitability of package from the point of view of middlemen.

(iii) Consumer Test: It aims at testing the package with a view whether it will be liked by the consumers or not?

(iv) Appealing Test: This test, examines the package whether it looks attractive or not?

When a package is approved ill all the tests, it is decided.

Advantages of Packaging –

(I) Advantages to Producers: Producers have following advantages-

1. It keeps product safe.

2. It facilitates storage.

3. It makes easy distribution.

4. It helps in advertising and sales promotion.

5. It increases the profits.

6. It helps in increasing the goodwill.

(II) Advantages to Middlemen: These are as under-

1. Packaging is helpful in storage.

2. It helps in handling the product.

3. It helps in increasing sales and profit.

4. It works as self advertising.

5. Packaging helps in presenting the products.

(III) Advantages to Consumers: Following are the advantages of packaging to the consumers-

1. There is found minimum possibility of adulteration.

2. It helps in providing essential information regarding the product and producer.

3. It provides necessary instructions regarding the product.

4. It provides ease in handling.

About the author

Salman Ahmad

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