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What do you mean by personnel management or human resource management? Define.

What do you mean by personnel management or human resource management? Define.

What do you mean by personnel management or human resource management? Define.

What do you mean by personnel management or human resource management? Define.


Management is personnel management.


Meaning of Personnel Management

Of all the tasks of management, managing the human component is the main and most significant function. Personnel Management is the part of management. Personnel management is related with management of employees. It arranges satisfactory management of workers and employees. It is a way of approach, a point of view, a technique of thinking and a philosophy of management. An understanding of human resource management or personnel management is significant to workers, supervisors and executives also. It is also important for organisation.

Personnel management is that aspect of management which is concerned with people at work and their inter personal relations. Personnel management is also known as personnel administration, labour management, employee relations and manpower management.

Personnel management is also called as : human resource management; labour management; human capital management; employer employee relations; personnel administration; industrial management; industrial relations; labour administration; human relations; personnel services; manpower management; employee relations; and human engineering etc.

Definitions of Personnel Management

Various management scholars have defined it as under:

According to Edward Flippo, “Personnel management is the planning, organising, directing and controlling of the procurement, development, compensation, integration, maintenance and separation of human resources to the end that individual, organisational and societal objectives are accomplished.”

According to Paul G. Hastings, “Personnel management is that aspect of management having as its goal the effective utilisation of the labour resources of an organisation.”

According to Dale Yoder, “Personnel management is that phase of management which deal with the effective control of and use of man power as distinguished from other sources of power. The methods, tools and techniques designed and utilised to secure the enthusiastic participation of labour represent the subject matter for study in personnel administration.”

According to Ivancevich and Guleck, “Personnel management is concerned with the most effective uses of people to achieve organisational and individual goal. It is the way of managing people at work so that they give their best to the organisation.”

According to Indian Institute of Personnel Management, Kolkata, “Personnel management is that part of management functions which is primarily concerned with human relationships in an organisation, its objective is the maintenance of those relations which enable all those engaged in the undertaking to make their maximum contribution to the effective working of that undertaking.”

According to Society for Personnel Administration of America, “Personnel administration is that art of acquiring, developing and maintaining a competent work force in such a manner as to accomplish with maximum efficiency and economy the functions and objectives of the organisation.”

According to Oliver Sheldon, “Personnel management is a part of the management progress which is primarily concerned with human constituents in an organisation.”

According to Society of Personnel Management, Kolkata, “Personnel administration is the art of acquiring, developing and maintaining a competent workforce in such a manner as to accomplish with maximum efficiency and economy the functions and objectives of the organisation.”

According to Dalton E. McFarland, “… the term employee relations will designate the total functions of managing and utilizing a company’s employees, executives as well as rank and file workers.”

According to Terry Lyons, “That part of the function of management that arises out of the fact that an enterprise has to use people.”

“To obtain and retain employees” or “To get and keep workers.”

According to Dale Yoder, “It effectively describes processes of planning and directing the application, development and utilization of human resources in employment.”

According to Howard M. Driks, “Personnel administration connotes the modern concept of a strong dynamic function concerned with developing and utilizing the manpower resources of the business to the optimum extent is achieving the objectives of the business.”

According to Edwin B. Flippo, “The personnel function is concerned with the procurement, development, compensation, integration and maintenance of the personnel of an organization for the purpose of contributing towards the accomplishment of that organization’s major goals or objectives. Therefore, personnel management is the planning, organising, directing and controlling of the performance of those operative functions.”

According to E. F. L. Breach, “Personnel management is that part of management process which is primarily concerned with the human constituents of an organisation.”

According to Pigors and Myres, “Personnel management is an extension of general management, that of promoting and stimulating every employee to make his fullest contribution to the purpose of a business.

According to C. H. Northcott, “Personnel management is an extension of general management, that of prompting and stimulating every employee to make his fullest contribution to the purpose of business.”

The Indian Institute of Personnel Management has adopted the definition given by the Instituted of Personnel Management U.K.

On the basis of definitions given by various eminent scholars it can be concluded that personnel management is the part of management. It is concerned with human resources of an undertaking the object of which is the obtaining goals of enterprise by satisfying employees and making optimum utilisation of human resources.

About the author

Salman Ahmad

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