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Explain the pre-requisites of HRD programme. How can the barriers of this programme be removed?

Explain the pre-requisites of HRD programme. How can the barriers of this programme be removed?

Explain the pre-requisites of HRD programme. How can the barriers of this programme be removed?

Explain the pre-requisites of HRD programme. How can the barriers of this programme be removed?


Human Resource Programme

Human resource development has view regarding the optimum utilisation of human capabilities and future. Human resource programme is prepared keeping in view the present and future under the strategic aspect of human resource development.

Human resource existing in the organisation is computed for preparing human resource programme. Such computation of human resource is made keeping in view the present work load and production and development activities committed in the future. Such type of estimates bring innovation, completeness and accuracy. This programme is made available continuously to the management Due to it development and planning of employees can be ensured on the scientific basis. Generally following functions are executed regarding the human resource programme:

1. Estimates regarding the requirements of human resource are made on the basis of economic environment. Organisational development, etc. is required for making human resource programme.

2. Present human resource is taking into account.

3. Problems of labour factor of the organisation is kept in view in the human resource programme. In the programme suitability, quantity, quality are kept into view.

4. Proper arrangement regarding recruitment, selection, development, training, motivation, compensation, transfer, promotion should be made in the human resource programme.

Human resource programme should fulfil the requirements relating to training, development, motivation etc. to the human resource in the organisation.

Effectiveness of human resource programme should be examined time to time. Knowledge, efficiency and suitability of programme should be included in the human resource programme keeping the special attention on personnel training and motivation.

Matters connected with training and learning programme of the employees should be kept in view in the human resource programme. Human resource programme should be prepared in accordance with organisational environment through organisational development. It will improve mutual confidence and maturity in the employees. Thus, organisational development is the inseparable part of human resource programme.

Human resource programme also contains facts relating to personnel compensation.

Thus human resource programme includes opportunities available to employees. It also keeps counselling, job performance system, training facility, openness in organisational climate, essential motivation to employees etc.

Barriers of human resource programme can be abolished through the following ways:

1. Revision of forecasts time to time.

2. Manpower forecasts supported by reliable information system.

3. Accurate determination of existing manpower resources in the organisation.

4. Proper guidance, training and motivation to employees.

5. Making enforcement of programmes on recruitment, selection, training, development, transfer, promotion etc.

About the author

Salman Ahmad

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