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What is Industrial Dispute? Discuss their favourable and unfavourable effects of industrial disputes.

What is Industrial Dispute? Discuss their favourable and unfavourable effects of industrial disputes.

What is Industrial Dispute? Discuss their favourable and unfavourable effects of industrial disputes.

What is Industrial Dispute? Discuss their favourable and unfavourable effects of industrial disputes.


Favourable and Unfavourable Effects of Industrial Disputes

Industrial disputes are formidable for the enrichment of the country because economic development depends on industrial development. Industrial disputes is harmful for the strikers and their economic situation becomes bad. Industrial disputes are obstacles for the ancillary industries. Following are favourable and unfavourable effects of industrial disputes:

(1) Effects on Workers: Industrial disputes are directly related to workers and employees. So workers and employers are most affected. Industrial disputes effect on workers can be favourable and unfavourable. Sometimes workers have benefits but sometimes they face problems.

Favourable Effects or Benefits: Following are favourable effects of industrial disputes on workers:

1. If demands are accepted by the employers, it will be beneficial for the workers.

2. Salary, allowance, bonus, facilities, working conditions are improved.

3. Welfare schemes are announced for workers.

4. Standard of living of the workers is increased.

5. Industrial disputes create feeling of unanimity which develops labour movement.

6. Industrial disputes control autonomy of the employers. Employers cannot exploit the workers.

7. Government becomes bound to make laws for the interest of workers.

Adverse Effects on Workers: There can be some adverse effects of industrial disputes on the workers-

1. Workers remuneration etc. are not paid by the employers due to some industrial disputes.

2. Workers can be retrenched as a result of disciplinary action.

(II) Effects on Employers: Employers are the direct party of the industrial disputes. They have following harmful or adverse effects due to industrial disputes:

1. Adverse effect on the production as well as revenue.

2. Low exploitation of the resources. Industrial disputes are very injurious for the employers.

(III) Effects on the Government: Government face many problems due to industrial disputes. Loss of working days, loss of production, reduction in productivity, wastage of resources etc. affect the government. Reduction in GDP decreases national income which affects economic development. Government revenue decreases due to reduction in taxes.

(IV) Effects on Community: Industrial disputes affect community or society. Business community face several adverse situations. Industrial disputes affect entire business world.

Consumers community cannot acquire desired goods, at genuine price and while they require as the consumables are not available in the market due to industrial disputes.

About the author

Salman Ahmad

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