Describe product modification decision and product elimination decision. Ans. Product Modification...
Author - Salman Ahmad
What do you understand by Product Development? What are the...
What do you understand by Product Development? What are the factors of product development? What...
Mention the stages in new product development.
Mention the stages in new product development. Ans. Stages in New Product Development The process...
Explain the factors influencing the changes in product mix.
Explain the factors influencing the changes in product mix. Or What factors influence the changes...
What major product decisions are taken in product management...
What major product decisions are taken in product management? What is line filling? Or What is...
Explain the various methods of measuring consumer behaviour.
Explain the various methods of measuring consumer behaviour. Ans. Methods of Measuring Consumer...
Write a short note on consumer behaviour.
Write a short note on consumer behaviour. Ans. Meaning of Consumer Behaviour: There are two...
Discuss different bases for market segmentation.
Discuss different bases for market segmentation. Or Discuss various criteria of market segmentation...
Elucidate the advantages of market segmentation?
Elucidate the advantages of market segmentation? Or What are the benefits of market segmentation to...
Write in brief factors affecting the marketing mix.
Write in brief factors affecting the marketing mix. Or Why change is necessary in marketing mix? Or...