Write critical analysis of The Last Leaf. Ans. The Last Leaf, a marvelous story by O’ Henry...
Author - Salman Ahmad
Give a brief analysis on the typical writing styles of O’...
Give a brief analysis on the typical writing styles of O’ Henry. Ans. Introduction: O’...
Discuss O’ Henry as a short story writer.
Discuss O’ Henry as a short story writer. Ans. O’ Henry (1862-1910) was an American...
Write the explanation of the story entitled “The Last...
Write the explanation of the story entitled “The Last Leaf”. Ans. Explanations (1)...
Write the introduction and summary of the story entitled...
Write the introduction and summary of the story entitled “The Last Leaf”. Ans...
Write the introduction to O’ Henry.
Write the introduction to O’ Henry. Ans. O’ Henry, pseudonym of William Sydney Porter...
Define Narrative Technique and Structure.
Define Narrative Technique and Structure. Ans. Introduction Aristotle is supposed to be the first...
Define Characterization and its kinds.
Define Characterization and its kinds. Ans. Introduction Aristotle points out only six important...
What is plot, kinds of plot and its importance ?
What is plot, kinds of plot and its importance ? Ans. Introduction Aristotle while referring to...
What is elements of Short Story?
What is elements of Short Story? Ans. A short story is a kind of prose fiction and in the modern...