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Differentiate between scientific method and non-scientific method.

Differentiate between scientific method and non-scientific method.

Differentiate between scientific method and non-scientific method.

Differentiate between scientific method and non-scientific method.


Scientific vs. Non-scientific Methods of Gaining Knowledge

Having finished a brief discussion of the meaning of research and related terms, we are now ready to take up the discussion of the scientific method. Let us start by stating that there are essentially two methods of obtaining knowledge scientific and non-scientific methods. Let us start with non-scientific method.

Non-scientific Method: The first method of gaining knowledge is through senses, experience, intuition, and revelation, all of these may be classified as non-scientific methods. Some gain knowledge through physical senses-sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell-and experience.

Senses and Experiences: Some knowledge is obtained by senses and experiences. When one gets too close to a fire and gets burned once, he or she gains the knowledge that it is dangerous to be too close to the fire. Other gain knowledge by intuition or revelation.

Intuition: Some rely on intuition as a source of knowledge. Intuition is the strong hunch or feeling that what one perceives to be the case is indeed true. If one strongly believes what one perceives is real and true, knowledge thus is obtained. While there is no reason to doubt the truthfulness of the knowledge obtained by intuition, like knowledge obtained from senses and experiences, it is subjective.

Revelation: Some knowledge are obtained by revelation. Revelation is the presentation of the truth from a supernatural source, such as deity.

Knowledge acquired via experience, intuition, revelation, and even measurement remain as private knowledge. The validity of knowledge obtained through non-scientific methods cannot be subject to objective testing.

Scientific Method: The second method of obtaining knowledge is the scientific method. This method of gaining knowledge is learning by reasoning. It is considered today to be the most reliable method of gaining knowledge. In contrast with the scientific method, the validity of knowledge obtained by scientific method can be subject to testing.

In all science, research proceeds within the framework of the scientific method. According to Lastrucci, “science may be defined as an objective, logical, and systematic method of analysis of phenomena devised to permit the accumulation of reliable knowledge”. His definition of science contains all essential elements of scientific methods. First it defines science as the method of analysis. (For details, see page 7 “Method” Social Research by Sedlack and Stanley). Second, it highlights three major characteristics of the scientific methods as objective, logical and systematic. Let’s explore the meaning of these three characteristics. First, scientific method is objective, not in the sense of being value free. But it is objective in the sense that the analysts are not biased or prejudiced or subject to personal whims. Second, scientific method is logical in the sense that science follows logical reasoning. Logical reasoning is thinking in reasonable fashion. It is sufficient to point out two types of reasoning process, namely deductive and inductive logic. A full discussion on the logical process will be presented below. Third and finally, the search for truth in science is systematic. This means that researchers follow a systematic set of procedures through which knowledge is gained.

About the author

Salman Ahmad

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