M. Com

Discuss the nature of personnel management?

Discuss the nature of personnel management?

Discuss the nature of personnel management?

Discuss the nature of personnel management?


Explain the characteristics and nature of the Human Resource Development.


Characteristics of Personnel Management

These are as under:

1. A Specific. Branch of Management: Human resource development is concerned with manpower which is a precious factor of production. It comprises planning, organizing, directing, controlling etc. of human resources.

2. Functions concerned with Human Factor: HRD is concerned with acquiring human services, retaining human factor, continuous development of employees etc.

3. Opportunities for Maximum Contribution: HRD is concerned with providing maximum opportunity in doing work.

4. Job Satisfaction: The objective of HRD is to provide maximum job satisfaction and acquiring best results.

5. Study of Employees: HRD studies employees in both individual and collective form.

6. Other Characteristics: In addition to above following are also some features of HRD-

(i) Study of mutual relations of employees,

(ii) Helpful in developing internal power,

(iii) Continuous function,

(iv) Part of general management,

(v) Uses principles of general management,

(vi) Applicable to all types of organizations etc.

Nature of Personnel Management

According to Professor Myers and Pigors “Personnel administration also permeates all types of functional management such as production management, financial management, sales management and research management. Unless these managers themselves expect to perform all the duties for which they are responsible, they have to secure the co-operation of other people within their part of the total organisation. In short, every member of the management group, from top to down must be a personnel administrator in the vital sense that he depends on the goodwill and efforts of all people in the organisation. The responsibility for personnel administration, therefore, is clearly not something that can be assigned to minor functionary in the organisation-a glorified office boy and backslapper-who will handle personnel problems’, keep the employees happy and manage the men while other more important executives manage machine, materials and money.”

Nature of personnel management can be discussed as under:

1. Personnel Management is a Profession: Personnel management is a profession as it requires:

(i) specific knowledge and skills,

(ii) coded governing professional.

2. Departmental Responsibility and a Staff Function: It is a departmental responsibility. It is also considered as staff function.

3. The Utility of Personnel Management is Universal: It is important for social, religious, political and industrial purposes. Personnel management is responsible for planning, organising, controlling, direction and co-ordination etc.

4. Healthy Industrial Responsibility: Personnel management is responsible for maintaining healthy industrial relations. Thus, it is concerned with every part of enterprise and every managerial decision.

About the author

Salman Ahmad

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