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Discuss the role played by the annexure in context of Research Report.

Discuss the role played by the annexure in context of Research Report.

Discuss the role played by the annexure in context of Research Report.

Discuss the role played by the annexure in context of Research Report.


Annexure or Attachments are a valuable way of removing detail from a report. Annexure provide a place to those items which do not fit in the report being too much detailed or specialize for example, sample design; formula for sample size, detailed statistical tables, maps, diagrams etc. Thus anything which can help the reader to understand the contents of the report can be included in the annexure.

This section of the report gives supplementary information, sometimes of a fairly extensive type. A detailed description of the sample design, questionnaire and the instructions given to interviewers are mentioned. Full statistical tables are given for reference. Where survey information has been drawn from official or other sources, full details of these are listed. In the case of motivation research it is customary to include one or two typical interviews verbatim. Photographs or other illustrative material might also be included featuring. photographs of packaging or advertising which was of interest to the survey.

The types of materials which are to be placed under annexure are as listed below:

(i) The work of any past research which is used in the current report as a module;

(ii) The format of the questionnaire;

(iii) Original data;

(iv) Intermediate tables of any algorithm which are used in the report;

(v) Some micro level charts and figures;

(vi) Long tables;

(vii) Organizational details.

Purpose of Annexure

The appendices are used as an area for storing information which is important to the arguments raised in the research but, because of its length, detail or complexity would otherwise interrupt the flow of arguments in the research.

We have a chance to make our report more valuable to the reader and to convince even reviewers critical of our argument of the usefulness of our publication. Thus, tables, transcripts of interviews, chronologies, glossaries, diagrams, biographies, lists of “Further Reading.” etc., most probably, be appreciated.

Requirement for All Attachments

(1) Lettering or Numbering: They must be allocated letters, Annex A, B, C, etc. Alternatively they may be given Arabic numbers. Letters and Roman numerals have the advantage that they don not get muddled with paragraph numbers. Care should be taken with Roman numbering in reports with numerous attachments, as many junior clerical staff are not familiar with many Roman numbers.

(2) Mentioning: They must be mentioned in the report itself. They are supplementary to the main core of the report. They may, perhaps, deal with specialist or esoteric matters. Thus as they sit on the fringe of affairs, if the reader’s attention is not drawn to them he may never see them. A note in brackets may be used.

(3) Listing: They must be listed in or immediately after the table of contents. If there is no list of contents they should be iternized at the foot of the report.

(4) After Note: In exceptional cases information may have to be added as it arises.

About the author

Salman Ahmad

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