B. Com

Explain Objectives of Classifications.

Explain Objectives of Classifications.

Explain Objectives of Classifications.

Explain Objectives of Classifications.


Objects of Classification

The primary objectives of classification are as under :

1. To make data easy and concise- The main object of classification is to put complex statistical raw data in simple and condensed form so that the same may be understandable without any mental strain, For example, there are 2,000 students in a college, and if the height of each is presented, hardly any conclusion can be drawn, but if the same data are presented in the from groups like 150-152 centimeters, 152-154 centimeters, 152-154 centimeters, 154-156 centimeters and so on, these are easily understandable.

2. To classify similarity and dissimilarily of data – The similarity of statistical facts is made clear by classification. The facts having similar characteristics are put in one class, for example, literate, illiterate, married, unmarried etc.

3. To be helpful for comparative study- Classification make comparative analysis easy. For example, if the marks obtained by B.Com. students of two different colleges are given separately for each student, it becomes difficult to make comparison of their respective level of intelligence, but if they are classified in different groups i.e., passed and failures and then comparison is made, conclusions can be drawn.

4. To make data scientific and easily understandable- Classification is a scientific process which enables to present data in an organised and scientific manner. For example, instead of writing number of students without any basis, the same should be presented according to age classification and classes, is no doubt a scientific and easily understandable process.

5. To provide base for tabulation- Classified data can only be presented in tubular from to enable unanalytical study possible. Thus, classification occupies a vital place in statistics because of the above objects and functions. Analysis and presentation of collected data seems to be impossible without this process. Huge data can neither be understood not can be compared and conclusions be drawn without classification. As such, classification is an important and compulsory process.

About the author

Salman Ahmad

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