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Explain the difference between human and computer system.

Explain the difference between human and computer system.

Explain the difference between human and computer system.

Explain the difference between human and computer system.


Differentiating a human and a computer is easy. There is really no confusion between the two unless the time comes when cyborgs, or half human half machines will roam the earth. Nowadays, the definitions of both terms are concretely described by many sources.

Foremost, both computers and humans use electricity. In this sense, humans pass on their individual stimulus and response across their neural network (nervous system) via an electro chemical process. In the case of computers, they use pure electrical energy. The speed of reaction is quite fast in humans, but it is faster when electrical signals travel through the wires in computers; much more if we are dealing with super computers.

Moreover, these signals progress in an on and off basis. Computers rely on switches, whereas humans also rely on so-called synaptic switches wherein they either receive an action potential or not. However, the degree of receipt of these action potentials varies, because there is the concept of excitability wherein a neuron receives other impulses from many other cells throughout the human body, making it more ‘excited.’

In this connection, the said impulse transmissions and receptions need some good nutrition for human beings. Computers do not need to ingest organic compounds to survive, for they only rely on electrical power.

By enhancing the synaptic connections in the nervous system, humans can improve their memory. Computers simply need to add chips, and or a physical memory drive such as a hard disk drive to increase its memory or recall capacity.

Another key difference between humans and computers is that humans can easily learn new concepts, although they have trouble with the retention of those newly learned concepts. Computers, on the contrary, have a notable capability of doing multiple tasks at the same time. This is really one of the things that humans find difficult to do. However, it must not be forgotten that humans too are capable of multitasking, but only to the extent of doing autonomic or involuntary tasks, such as breathing and the beating of the heart.

Although humans have not reached halfway with regards to understanding the complexity of their brains, their overall capability is more limited and constant than that of computers, so to say. Evidence of this is how computers quickly evolved from being a mere microchip into complex super computers capable of billions of data processing.

1. Computers rely on electricity, whereas humans rely on food.

2. Computers have the potential to increase the speed of their impulse transmission exponentially as opposed to humans.

3. Computers have a better ability for multitasking.

4. Computers are good at computations and logic, while humans are exemplary in reasoning and imagination.

About the author

Salman Ahmad

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