M. Com

Point out the role of the Government for the improvement in industrial relations.

Point out the role of the Government for the improvement in industrial relations.

Point out the role of the Government for the improvement in industrial relations.

Point out the role of the Government for the improvement in industrial relations.


Role of Government for the Improvement in Industrial Relations

In the beginning industrial relations were limited between the relation of employer and labor trade union, but government interference was commenced due to change in economic, political industrial circumstances.

In the beginning stages of industrialisation, government has passed some laws in favor of employers and various restrictions were imposed on labor unions. Afterwards, government’s policies and activities were effected by socialist and democratic concepts, and concept of welfare state was evolved. In these changed circumstances, the government has passed labors laws by interfering in economic and industrial sector in the interest of labor and labor unions. Legal recognition was provided to labor unions and some protective, social security, labor welfare laws were also passed in the interest of laborers. Some laws were also passed on industrial relations. Some obligations were imposed on employers to improve the labor conditions under the labor laws and many issues relating to employment conditions and working conditions were brought under the purview of law. Thus, the government controlled the autocracy of employers and provisions have been made to punish them on the infringement of statutes and rules.

Things determining industrial relations contains institutional factors and economic factors. In the institutional factors policy of state towards labor and industry, forms and pattern of labor laws etc. are involved. For the peaceful and sweet industrial relations fair labor standards should be determined by the state. Industrial relations affect community’s or society’s interest. Due to it, state plays its significant role in regulating industrial relations. Thus, in industrial relations state is also an important party. State plays its significant role in making laws relating to trade unions, industrial disputes, strikes, lockouts, labor policy, labor administration, determining the role of government commissions and committees etc.

The main issue in regard to the government’s role in industrial relations is degree of state intervention. In our country, after independence the government has been playing a comprehensive role in shaping the pattern of industrial relations. The government is a big employer. It evolves through tripartite forums, the norms or standards which guides in shaping industrial relations. Government has accepted the responsibility of ensuring confirmity to these standards or norms through the administrative and procedural laws.

The industrial relations policy of the state is the part of the broad labor policy. The tenets of this policy are as under-

1. Encouragement for mutual settlement of disputes through collective bargaining and voluntary arbitration;

2. Primacy of the maintenance of industrial peace;

3. Tripartite consultation;

4. Recognition of the workers right to peaceful direct action i.e. strike.

The government role primarily aims at protecting industrial peace. Government’s role has focused attention on the following:

1. The avoidance of industrial disputes;

2. The adequate settlement of industrial disputes when they do arise.

The adjudication and other regulative aspects of the role of the government continue to form the core of industrial relations. The government has interfered in several areas of industrial relations through statutes or other measures keeping in view the interest of labor, employers and public. In these areas right of collective bargaining, selection of bargaining agent, form of collective agreements, settlements of industrial disputes, strike and lockouts, unfair labor practice, and workers’ participation in management can be indicated. The government has imposed restrictions on employers and labor unions and some rights were also provided. Increasing significance of labor was accepted. The government has made efforts to make more active the parties in the determination of labor issues through tripartite bodies. In some cases government is also an employer and government adopted its labor policies and activities as per circumstances.

In the modern industrial relations following are the main things / features of the government’s role:

1. Opportunities of Mutual Negotiations or Bargaining: The government has played its role in providing opportunities of mutual negotiation or bargaining between employers and labor unions in the determination of conditions of employment and working.

2. Taking Legal Steps: The government takes legal and other steps to regulate relationship between labor and employers keeping in view the interest of community.

3. Arrangement of Disputes Settlement Machinery: The government has taken several steps to constitute dispute settlement machinery.

4. Laws to Regulate Terms and Conditions of Employment and Working Conditions: The government has passed statutes to regulate terms and conditions of employment so that possibility of industrial disputes between labor and management can be minimized and industrial peace can be maintained.

5. Regulation of Various Aspects: The government has passed special laws to regulate collective bargaining, unfair labor practices, workers’ participation in management, strike, lockout, and other industrial activities.

6. Promotion to Some Bodies: The government has promoted and constituted tripartite and by partite bodies to determine important labor issues.

The government played its role in protecting individual laborers from the unfair practices of employers and labor unions. It has appreciated important national decisions keeping in view the increasing significance of labor and employers in the life of nation. In present, industrial relations and roles of parties are complex.

About the author

Salman Ahmad

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