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State the four main functions of a statistician.

State the four main functions of a statistician.

State the four main functions of a statistician.

State the four main functions of a statistician.


Main Functions of Statistician

The person who collects data in any sphere of phenomena by means of statistical methods and obtains conclusions on analysing the same is called a statistician. The functions of a statistician are divided in following four parts:

(1) Collection of Data: Collection of data constitutes the first step in a statistical investigation after planning for it. Afterwards, he collects necessary data by means of a suitable method. The data may be available from existing published or unpublished sources or may be collected primarily by the investigator, himself. Collected data are then edited by him to test the level of accuracy.

(2) Presentation: The statistician, then presents the collected data, after duly classifying them on suitable and certain basis, by means of different tables, diagrams and graphs.

(3) Analysis: After collection and presentation the next step is that of analysis to dig out the information useful for decision making. The most commonly used methods of analysis are measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion, skewness, correlation etc.

(4) Interpretation : After, collection, presentation and analysis of data, the statistician has to draw suitable, proper and unbiassed conclusions. In the words of Neiswanger, the duty of the statistician goes much beyond collection of data and making conclusions. Facts do not speak for themselves, and it is the statistician who must interpret the statistical results to discover their meaning. In fact correct and suitable interpretation will lead to valid conclusions of the study and thus can help him in taking suitable decisions.

To complete the aforesaid functions successfully, the statistician must possess good knowledge of mathematics. Statistician is scientist and not a Clerk. He should have adequate knowledge of principles of mathematics, formulae and the methods so as to make statistical material brief, comparable and forecasting.

His function is to collect the data and to analyse suitably the same to draw intelligent, real and unbiassed conclusions. As such he should perform his function with general prudence, skill and unbiassed thinking only then he can fulfil his duties as a successful statistician.

About the author

Salman Ahmad

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