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What are the causes of poor industrial relations?

What are the causes of poor industrial relations?

What are the causes of poor industrial relations?

What are the causes of poor industrial relations?


Explain the causes of creating tension in industrial relations and give characteristics of management employees relationship.


Causes of Tension in Industrial Relation

There are several issues and causes which have led to labor problems and friction between the employer and employees. As a result of such frictions, some industrial problems e.g. strikes, lock-out, agitations etc. are arised and industrial atmosphere becomes tense, production decreases, cost increases, workers income decreases. It tempers industrial development of the country.

Following are the causes of creating tension in industrial relations

1. Modernisation and Automation: New technology leads to modernisation and automation of plants. New automatic and computerised machines are more productive. The enterprises want to use these machines for higher and quality production. But the defect of the system is that these machines require fewer workers. This leads to retrenchment and less employment to employees.

2. Indiscipline and Violence: Multiplicity of trade unions in industries and rivalry between them is responsible for employees disunity. To show their superiority they often clash and become violent and behave in undisciplined manner.

3. Working Conditions and Hours of Work: In many industries the working conditions are not hygienic. The basis facilities like drinking water, lavatories, lighting etc. are not available. No sufficient safety provisions are made. Hours of work are quite long. Workers demand good working conditions and shorter work hours.

4. Other Causes:

(i) Partial treatment by superiors

(ii) Absence of grievance redressal procedure.

(iii) Employee dismissal and retrenchment

(iv) Non-recognition of unions

(v) Poor leadership

(vi) Demand for increase in wages, over-time wages and allowances, bonus etc.

(vii) Demand for reduction in working hours.

(viii) Demand for greater facilities in rules of leave.

(ix) Demand for recognition of a trade union.

(x) Demand of the workers to share in the profits of industry.

(xi) Political reasons leading to general agitation.

(xii) Demand for representation of labor on measurement.

(xiii) Demand for re-instatement of any dismissed worker.

(xiv) Sympathy of workers in other concerns.

Management Employees Relationships

The most important function of the management is to develop the inspiration of work among the employees. The management arranges for the development of the employees and develops the feeling among the workers that the satisfaction of their individual interests is associated with the achievement of organisational objectives of their enterprise.

Following are the characteristics of management employees relationship-

1. It brings unity and equality in the objects of management and employees. It develops the feeling to work among employees.

2. The concept of management employees relationship increases the productivity of the employees as well as the management also. It increases morale of employees and their productivity.

3. Management coordinates the interests of the management and employees. All the best efforts are taken to remove the mutual misunderstandings between the management and employees.

About the author

Salman Ahmad

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