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What are the essential conditions of good industrial relations?

What are the essential conditions of good industrial relations?

What are the essential conditions of good industrial relations?

What are the essential conditions of good industrial relations?


Good industrial relation depends on the constructive attitude on the part of both management and employee. The constructive attitude in depends on all the basic policies and procedures laid down in any organisation for the promotion of healthy industrial relations. It depends on the ability of the employer and trade unions to deal with their mutual problems freely and independently with responsibility. They should put their faith in collective bargaining rather than in collective action. For better industrial relations, it is also necessary that fair labour standards are laid down, a feeling of equality should be prevalent, with which the management should enter into collective bargaining with the workers and there should be realisation on the part of management to promote workers welfare. The existence of strong, independent, responsible, democratic trade unions, the promotion of collective bargaining, a fair and independent machinery for the peace full settlement of industrial disputes, the existence of good human relations and lack of any kind of discrimination are certainly the essentials for a healthy industrial relation situation.

It is not easy to promote and maintain good industrial relations. Certain conditions should exist for the maintenance of harmonious industrial relations. It is:

1. Organised Employee’s Union: Industrial relations will be good or sound only when the bargaining power of the workers unions is equal to that of management. A strong and well organised trade union can protect the employees interest relating to wages, benefits, job security etc.

2. Organised Employer’s Union: These associations are helpful for the promotion and maintenance of uniform personnel policies among various organisations and to protect the interests of weak employers.

3. Voluntary Negotiations: The relationship between the employee and the employer will be congenial only when the differences between them are settled through mutual negotiations and consultation rather than through the intervention of third party. Collective bargaining is a process through which employee issues are settled through mutual discussions and negotiations, through give and take approach. If the issues are not settled through collective bargaining, they should be referred to voluntary arbitration but not to adjudication, in order to maintain congenial relations.

4. Industrial Peace: Maintenance of permanent industrial peace in an organisation can be ensured through the following manner:

(i) Government should be provided with requisite authority for setting the industrial disputes wherever necessary.

(ii) Provisions for the various committees to implement and evaluate the collective bargaining agreements, court orders and judgements awards of voluntary arbitration etc.

(iii) Establishment of a machinery for prevention and settlement of industrial disputes. This includes legislative and non-legislative measures. Preventive measures include work committees, standing orders, welfare officers, joint councils and joint management councils. Settlement methods include voluntary arbitration, conciliation officer and adjudication.

(iv) Provision for the various committees in order to evolve personnel policies, code of conduct, code of discipline etc.

About the author

Salman Ahmad

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