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What are the Methods of Executive Development Programme?

What are the Methods of Executive Development Programme?

What are the Methods of Executive Development Programme?

What are the Methods of Executive Development Programme?


Methods of Executive Development Programme

On the Job Off the Job
1. Coaching 1. Lectures
2. Committee assignment 2. Sensitivity training
3. Position rotation 3. Management games
4. Special project and task forces 4. Case study technique
5. Meetings and conferences
6. Special courses

The important methods of executive development programme are as under-

(1) Experience – The experience of work is necessary for executive development because any external learning cannot make him an effective executive. The main fault of the experience method takes more time.

(2) Coaching- Coaching method is one of the best way to the executive development but for this instructor is the senior officer of executive. The success of this method entirely depends on the training of desire and ability of the senior officer to his subordinates.

(3) Under Study – It is also a way of executive development. For this purpose management establish some specified post under senior officers and handover some responsibilities of senior officer to them so that they can get some knowledge about the working procedure of higher post. Under study method is different from coaching.

(4) Position Rotation- This method provides broad attitude by providing training of various works. Position rotation is of several types.

(i) Unspecified Rotation in Managerial Positions – In this method trainee is transferred from one post to another. The purpose of this method is to know that which trainee is suitable for permanent post.

(ii) Rotation in Middle Level Assistant Positions – In this method all the trainees be posted as an assistant of middle level managers and by rotation opportunity is provided to work with middle level managers.

(iii) Rotation among Managerial Training Positions- Some posts are created separately in this method. Trainees are posted on these posts permanently.

(5) Special Projects- In this method executives study and analyse the facts of any work and acquired knowledge about these facts.

(6) Committee Assignments- In this method work is assigned to a committee. Trainees are also included in these committees. Activities of the committee are helpful to acquire knowledge to the trainees.

(7) Selective Reading – Each concern brings many newspaper and magzines to rise-up the knowledge of their executives and encourage to them to study these material.

(8) Sensitivity Training- It is also known as T-Group or laboratory training. It is the method by which trainees to percept the knowledge about their behaviour.

(9) Conference Training- It is also an important method to develop executive. In the conference any one person put up his views before others. After that they express their ideas on his views and search the solution of the problem. By this he learn to pay respect to other’s views which is very important quality of leadership.

(10) Special Meetings or Seminars – It is also an important part of executive development programme. For this purpose each concern arranges special meeting or seminar to discuss.

About the author

Salman Ahmad

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