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What do you understand by Tabulation ? Discuss requisites of a good table.

What do you understand by Tabulation ? Discuss requisites of a good table.

What do you understand by Tabulation ? Discuss requisites of a good table.

What do you understand by Tabulation ? Discuss requisites of a good table.



After suitable classification of data, their systematic presentation in the form of table is quite essential without tabulation several facts remain undetected, with the result clear and correct discussion about the problem is not possible. Suitable conclusions about the data cannot be obtained. As such Croxton and Cowden has rightly said, “Either for one’s own use or for the use of others, the data must be presented in some suitable form. Usually the figures are arranged in tables or represented by graphic devices.” Data can be presented in the following three forms:

(a) Tables

(b) Diagrams and

(c) Graphs

Here we shall discuss about tabulation.

Meaning of Tabulation

According to Blair, “Tabulation in the broadest sense is any orderly arrangement of data in columns and rows”. According to Conner, “Tabulation involves the orderly and systematic presentation of numerical data in a form designed to elucidate the problem under consideration”. In the words of Horace Secrist, “Tables are a means of recording in permanent form the analysis that is mode through classification and of placing in guxtaposition things that are similar and should be compared”.

Objects: From the aforesaid definitions the following objects or functions of tabulation are clear:

(i) Systematic Presentation: The primary objective of tabulation is to present the information expressed by classified facts in a logical and systematic manner.

(ii) Concise and Static Manner: The mass quantitative information is presented in condensed and static manner so that the detailed information is obtained in one sight.

(iii) Classification of the Problem: When data are presented in the form of a table, the problem becomes simple and clear.

(iv) Facilitates Comparison : Tabulation facilitates quick comparison of data shown in raws and columns by putting comparable information together.

Requisites of a good table Importance and Advantages

Tabulation is a vital activity between classification and interpretation of data. It is not possible to make comparative and analytical study of any problem without tabulation. This activity is very important because of the following advantages:

(i) Simplification : Tabulation makes important information easily understandable and can be remembered. The data presented in the form of a table can be read easily from both side stop to bottom and left to right sides. In addition to this calculations like adding, subtracting etc. also become easy and the errors if any can easily be detected.

(ii) Comparative Study: By tabulation comparison becomes easy because the table is distributed among different parts and we put comparable data together in adjacent columns. In addition to this, analytical units like percentages, ratios, coefficients etc. are also put in a table so as to make comparison easy and quickly understandable.

(iii) Saving: Tabulation saves space and time became maximum facts are presented in minimum of space and conveys information in a far better manner.

(iv) Statistical Analysis: The data are put in proper shape and appropriate manner which facilitates detailed analysis and interpretation. Statistical measures like averages, dispersion, skewness, correlation etc can be calculated only by means of tabulation.

(v) Exhibition or presentation : With the help of tables, the data can be presented by means of diagrams and graphs attractively.

In short, tables make classified data easy, concise and systematically presented so as to enable a statistician to analyse and interpret them easily. But in the absence of reference the meaning of data presented in a table is not made fully clear. Secondly independent entity of individual data is almost vanished. When data are presented in a table. These are its limitations.

About the author

Salman Ahmad

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