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What does implementation of MIS means?

What does implementation of MIS means?

What does implementation of MIS means?

What does implementation of MIS means?


Implementation of a system is as much important as the creation of it.

Implementation can easily destroy the good work done in the earlier phases and bring the system to a standstill. Implementation requires technical and managerial skills as the implementers work as change agents. Implementation is also a process that has a series of sequential steps which culminates in making operational the new system.

Implementation as an activity has to be carefully managed. It requires client interaction at every stage. The implementers need the full support and cooperation of the client and the IS department functionaries to successfully execute the implementation of information systems. In order to help them perform this task of implementation smoothly, a series of predefined steps are followed. These implementation tasks are as follows:

Plan the Implementation: It is the series of action-oriented steps planned for making the implementation smooth. It normally involves the following steps:

1. Creating a master schedule of the implementation activities

2. Setting timeliness for critical and non-critical activities

3. Identifying major bottlenecks and their solutions

4. Communication of the plan.

Organizing the MIS Department: The MIS department will be the custodian of the new system. Hence, they have to be gear up to support the new system. Organization of the department is therefore necessary before the new system becomes operational. MIS staff is understood by each member of the organization. Training is provided to those who need training on the new system so that they in turn can help others. This process of organizing the MIS department starts much before the actual implementation process begins as it entails some hiring and training which requires some lead time. The organization is done in such a timeframe that staff is available when the actual implementation starts.

Selection and Procurement of Hardware: This step of the implementation process is an important step as it involves huge investments. Proper care is taken to ensure that the organization gets the best deal from such selection and procurement of the hardware. The process of selection and procurement, of hardware also varies greatly from firm to firm depending on the size of the firm and the sector in which it operates the type of management.

About the author

Salman Ahmad

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