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What is meant by human resource? Explain the role of human resource in business and industrial sector.

What is meant by human resource? Explain the role of human resource in business and industrial sector.

What is meant by human resource? Explain the role of human resource in business and industrial sector.

What is meant by human resource? Explain the role of human resource in business and industrial sector.


Meaning of Human Resource

Human resource plays initial role in the success of business! organisation. It includes the aggregate of employee attributes comprising knowledge, skill, experience, health etc. which are available to a business and industrial concern to achieve its goals. Thus human resources consist of the value of the productive capacity of the business and industrial enterprise’s human factor. Of all the main resources of the business concern men, th material, money and machine, the human resource is considered as the most important and valuable resource because the quality and capability of human factor ultimately determines the success of the business concern.

Human resource plays initial role in the business and industrial P sectors. Whereas all other resources depreciate in value with the passage of time and use, the human resource appreciate in value because it acquires C more knowledge and experience. Thus with the passage of time and use its A efficiency becomes greater. It reflects an inherent dynamism.

Human resource plays greater role in the success of the organisation. Success of business and industrial sectors depends upon the synergy asserted by its human resources. Appropriate collaboration and amalgamation of various personnel can ensure growth. To acquire full cooperation of the human resource appropriate work culture environment and ethos should be made available.

Human Resource is considered as most important factor these days. Commenting upon the importance of human resource, Pigours and Myresj have rightly viewed “that human resources available to management in an organisation are one part of resources which must be co-ordinated, it is through combined efforts of people that monetary and material resources are utilised for organisational objectives. Without human efforts, the organisations can never accomplish their objectives.

The importance of human resource in modern business and industrial sectors be explained as under:

1. It facilitates the rapid business and industrial development.

2. It facilitates the earliest possible solution of the problems and complications of a business and industrial enterprise.

In the view of Oliver Sheldan no industry can be rendered efficient so long as the basic fact remains unorganised that it is principally human. It is not a machine and technical processes but a body of men.

Human resource play following role in the business and industrial sectors-

1. It facilitates rapid industrial development.

2. It provides earliest possible solution of the complexities of business and industrial sectors.

About the author

Salman Ahmad

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