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What role are human resource managers expected to play in context to today’s changing world?

What role are human resource managers expected to play in context to today's changing world?

What role are human resource managers expected to play in context to today’s changing world?

What role are human resource managers expected to play in context to today’s changing world?


Role expected from Human Resource Managers

In the present changing world following types of role are expected from the human resource managers.

1. Development of the Employees – It is expected from the human resource managers that they will make efforts for the development of employees and take individual participation in the development of employees.

Human resource managers should be associated with their subordinates. Employees want that human resource managers should provide opportunities of development and also help to develop their performance.

2. Policy Formulation – It is the important act of a human resource manager. It is with a view to overcome problems of recurring nature or to prevent anticipated problem in the area of HRM. It is expected from the human resource manager to help management in the formation of policies on wage and salary administration, welfare activities, personnel records etc.

3. Advisory Role – Human resource manager can provide important suggestions and advice because line managers confronted with a variety of problems in their day to day operations. The human resource manager can advise them to resolve the problem. Advice can be on the problems e.g. annual increase in pay, distribution of overtime, promotion, transfer, disciplinary action etc.

4. Mediator Role – It is expected from the human resource manager to play mediator role when conflict between employees, superior and subordinate, management and employees arises. Thus he can help in maintaining industrial harmony.

5. Role as Problem Solver – Human resource manager should play problem solver role. It is expected by the line managers. As auditor, the human resource manager should be conscious of difficulties.

6. Representative Role – It is expected with the human resource manager to play a role as spokesman for management or the concern. He can also acts as workers representative to put forward their problems to management.

7. Decision Making Role – Decision making role is also expected from the human resource managers, on the issues concerned with human resources. He should formulate and design the objectives, policies and programmes of human resource management.

8. Role in conducting Research – The human resource manager is expected to undertake personnel research in order to keep management communicated problems and issues so that better decisions can be made.

9. Role regarding Management and Training – The human resource manager is expected to conduct programme of executive education and training for the members so that their skill and competence can be developed.

The job of human resource manager has becoming very challenging in the present days. It is expected from them to have skills in dealing with people.

About the author

Salman Ahmad

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