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Which elements in your opinion should be kept in mind while planning for human resource needs?

Which elements in your opinion should be kept in mind while planning for human resource needs?

Which elements in your opinion should be kept in mind while planning for human resource needs?

Which elements in your opinion should be kept in mind while planning for human resource needs?


Elements to be kept in Mind while Planning for Human Resource Needs

There are two significant elements of human resource planning. These two elements are forecasting of needs of human resource and evaluation of existing human resource. For the success of human resource planning there should be kept in view following elements –

1. Clearly Defined Objectives- Clearly defined objectives are the base of planning. For the planning of any activity of human resource management entire HR management and activity objectives should be pre determined. These objectives can strategic goals and operational goals.

2. Organization of Planning- Planning is the function of every executive and thus all departments and executives should contribute in human resource planning. A separate department should be established for human resource planning and a highly ranked officer should be made responsible. Generally in large concerns a separate department under the supervision of personnel manager is constituted which bring co-ordination between demand of human resource and plans and makes short-term and long-term plans relating to human resource.

3. Need of Time, Money and Resource – Sufficient time, money and human resources are required for the effective planning. The planner uses resource for the creation of new resources. The objective of HR planning is the achievement of effective human resource.

4. Source of Effective Information – The effectiveness of human resource planning depends on real and accurate forecasts. So real and accurate information, facts and records are required. An effective arrangement of communication of information is required for reality and accuracy of human resource planning. Flow of information system should be up to date. A person who plans human resource, should collect the data regarding the age, experience, skilledness, specific efficiency etc. and on the basis of these data future estimates can be made.

5. Co-ordination and Integration – The objective of human resource planning is to make possible the development and use of human resources to fulfill the requirement of the concern. Human resource planning is a means which satisfies the human resource needs of the concern. So it should be judged in the reference of entire business concern. Integration of human resource planning programme should be made with other programmes of the concern. Human resource planning should be co-ordinated with other policies of personnel management. Employee training, promotion policies are related with human resource planning.

6. Administrative Support – Although planning is significant for every area, but it does not receive administrative support. Generally, administrative officers treat planning as a useless activity and they do not accept the importance of planning. It is an obstacle in relation to human resource planning. Human resource planning cannot get success in the absence of administrative support.

About the author

Salman Ahmad

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