
Write a note on Bacon’s prose style.

Write a note on Bacon's prose style.

Write a note on Bacon’s prose style.

Write a note on Bacon’s prose style.


Give your estimate of Prose Style of Bacon.



Francis bacon is regarded as the father of prose style in English literature. He says in a few words what others cannot say in many pages. The chief points of his distinguished style are discussed below:

His brevity

Today Bacon is remembered and respected for the quality of brevity in his style. His short sentences, limited words and idioms give a lot of meaning and message to all his readers. His popular essays like ‘of Studies’ and ‘Of Expense’ are enough proof of the fact. For example, ‘Riches are for spending for honour’ is a highly meaningful and useful sentence.

His Clarity

Another virtue of Bacon’s style is his clarity. For ex ample, the above question shows that riches are for wise spending and to earn honour in life. He expresses his ideas as clearly as a crystal. His teaching to his readers are very clear and meaningful.

His flexibility

Bacon is highly flexible in the expression of his ideas to his readers. He says in this essay. “If he be plentiful in diet, to be saving in apparel (dress).” He becomes flexible only to impress and teach his readers in a real way.

His Morality

The chief aim of Bacon’s style in his short essays is too convey a sense of morality to his readers. He wants to teach them more and more so that they may make their real life useful and happy He himself was ever under debt in his life, so he advises his readers to make their expense wisely and with economy. We should cut our coat according to our cloth. That is the secret of happiness. Waste should be avoided and small savings are ever useful and meaningful.


About the author

Salman Ahmad

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