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Write an essay on industrial relation in India.

Write an essay on industrial relation in India.

Write an essay on industrial relation in India.

Write an essay on industrial relation in India.


Write an essay in detail on the historical background of industrial relations in India.


In the Industrial Policy Resolution 1956, the need for joint management councils consisting of representative of management technicians and workers was emphasised. Management must supply facts regarding the working unit and the council discussed various matter across the table and recommends steps for improving efficiency.

Originally the idea was to be implemented in over 150 units but at the present about 80 are operating in public sector units such as HMT. Indian Airlines, Air India etc. and in a large number of private sector units such as TISCO, Arvind Mills, Modi Spinners and Weaving Mills, Travancore Rubber Works etc. The experiment has not succeeded in India. As one expert comment – the works committees and the joint council have failed, it is living in a fool’s paradise to believe that labor will be an active partner in management. Factors such as lack of interest on the part of workers, union rivalries unfavorable management attitudes these are main responsible for the unsatisfactory performances.

After that same rules and regulations established which govern the conditions of employment of workers. They specify the duties and responsibility of both employers and employees. Through standing orders, the conditions of employment sought to be register and regulised, paving the way for industrial peace and harmony. The Industrial Employment standing orders Act 1946 provides for the framing of standing orders in all industrial undertakings employing 100 or more workers. As per the provisions of the Act, employer have to formulate standing orders in consultation with workers and submit to a certifying officer. The matter to be highlighted therein.

For better industrial relation several legislative measures have been adopted in India to promote discipline and harmony between employees and employers. Sad to relate, the result have not been very encouraging. As a remedy the second five year plan has suggested that both employers and employees must formulate and abide by the voluntary code of discipline. In persuance of this suggestion, the fifteen Indian labor conference suggested a code of discipline in 1957. The Central National Labor Organisations and employers associations have agreed to enforce the code with the effect from June 1, 1958. The code aims at preventing dispute by providing for voluntary and mutual settlement of dispute through negotiations without interference of an outside agency. The principles regulating the conduct of the employer and the employee as provided in the code.

At present the code has been accepted by about 200 individual employer and about 170 trade unions, in addition to the support extended by the central organisation of workers and employers barring railways, Port a Dock and undertakings under the Ministry of Defence. The code is applicable to all public sector units. The SBI, LIC and RBI have also accepted it. The third plan felt that the code had a healthy influence or employer-employees relationship and definitely had a restraining and sobering impact both the parties.

A steady reduction in the number of dispute is discernible. From 1810 strike recorded in 1991 the figure came down to 295 in 2002. The number of mandays lost due to strikes has also fallen steadily. The trend indicates a shift in balance of power since 1993. The man day loss figures suggest the management flexible their muscles, locking out units rather than the workmen forcing the hand of management through strike action. In major cities like Delhi, Kolkata, Bangalore, Mumbai, trade union are just fighting for survival now.

The militancy which was almost synonymous with labor unions in the past has, by and large declined now. The Shiv Sena led Bhartiya Kamgar Sena was more pragmatic and was quick to understand the shifting trends. In the Mumbai and Pune belt it enjoys membership of over 2.5 lakh workers. Mill owners are also happy to deal with such unions which give importance to plant level factors and conduct and negotiations in a give and take manner.

About the author

Salman Ahmad

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