
Write the introduction and summary of the essay entitled “Patriotism Beyond Politics”.

Write the introduction and summary of the essay entitled "Patriotism Beyond Politics".

Write the introduction and summary of the essay entitled “Patriotism Beyond Politics”.

Write the introduction and summary of the essay entitled “Patriotism Beyond Politics”.



Patriotism Beyond Politics and Religion is a remarkable chapter from the best seller book Ignited Minds by A.P.J. Abdul Kalam. In this chapter, he shares real life incidents when common people moved ahead of political and religious barriers for the development of the country.

The beginning of this chapter is inclusive of the author’s (Kalam’s) daily routine of morning walk. This particular chapter is inclusive of various praises of mother nature and life it sustains. This chapter gives us an idea of how an individual can think about giving so much to his nation. How he was filled with the highest grace of philanthropy and wisdom deep rooted inside his soul.


Summary of the Essay

A.P.J. Abdul Kalam calls to his people to rise to greatness to rise to their highest capabilities. He tells us about the factors which go to make a nation strong. “Three factors are invariably found in a strong nation; a collective pride in its achievements. unity and the ability for combined action.” The author lays emphasis to have a common memory of great heroes and exploits, of great adventures and triumphs in the past. It is because of this sense of pride in their great heroes that the English rose to great heights. In this context he refers to the names of Lord Nelson and the Duke of Wellington. Kalam also praises Japanese for their national pride. They are united and devoted to the cause of nation. That is why, they are now a triumphant economy.

All nations which have risen to greatness have been characterized by a sense of mission. It is because of this sense of mission that the Germans have risen to great heights and Germany is regarded as one of the most developed and powerful nations though it was twice destroyed in two World Wars. Kalam says if Germany can be a great nation, why can’t India ? Unfortunately common people in India have not been made aware of their glorious past.

About religion, Kalam Saheb says that the central theme of any religion is spiritual well being. In his opinion the foundation of secularism in India has to be derived from spirituality. It is because of our sense of mission has weakened that we have ceased to be true to our culture and ourselves. The need of the hour is to stand united with pride in our past and faith in the future.

Kalam Saheb is extremely critical of those ideologists who seek to divide the people. He considers them the greatest danger to our sense of purpose. He asks why can’t we develop a culture that serves to make Indians of us all ? The time has come for us to stop differentiating. What we need today is a vision for the nation which can bring unity, we must bear in mind that the nation is bigger than individual interests and political parties.


About the author

Salman Ahmad

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