
Write the summary and explanation of the Poem entitled “Pied Beauty”.

Write the summary and explanation of the Poem entitled "Pied Beauty".

Write the summary and explanation of the Poem entitled “Pied Beauty”.

Write the summary and explanation of the Poem entitled “Pied Beauty”.


Summary of the Poem

The poet praises God for having created this colourful world dappled things, twin-coloured skies, fish of various colours, chestnuts like glowing-coal, birds of multi-coloured wings, beautiful landscape and a large variety of people. All things are unique. bounteous and wonderful. No two things are alike. The world remains an unsolved mystery. One can’t say with any certainty why one thing is slow and another fast, why one thing is sweet and another sour, or why one thing is dim and another brightly-coloured. The secret of this world is known to none but God. God has given man a beautiful world. The duty of man is to praise and reverence God.




1. Glory be to God for dappled things

For skies of couple-colour as a brinded cow;

For rose-moles in all stipple upon trout that swim;

Fresh firecoal chestnut-falls: finches ‘wings;

Landscape plotted and pieced fold, fallow, and plough;

And all trades, their gear and tackle and trim.

Explanation with Reference to the Context- These lines have been selected from the sonnet Pied Beauty composed by G.M. Hopkins. The poet in this unique sonnet appreciates the colours of the different things. He is highly happy to see these colours. He pays his thanks to God for making these things multi-coloured.

The poet pays his applause to God that glory goes in the share of God because he made different colours. He made sky with double colours. When the sky is clear it colour is both white and blue; and when there are clouds, they are white as well as black. Sky of night is spotted with different stars like a spotted cow. Fish, trout which swim in the water is also dotted with rose-coloured moles. In the same way when the chestnut breaks from the tree and fails on the ground, it breaks and shines like a burning coal. Colours of the wings of the bird, finches are also bright with different spots. Men also produce different colours by their labour. They make pieces of land for different colours. Enclosure for the sheep, barren land and cultivated land have different colours. Everything made by God is decorated and well-arranged in the same way as the equipments and tools are kept in all kinds of industries.

Note- (i) The poet is sensuous for different colours.

(ii) His comparison of sky with spotted cow is odd.


2. All things counter, original, spare, strange;

Whatever is fickle, freckled (who know how?)

With Swift, slow, sweet, sour, adarsle, dim;

He fathers-forth whose beauty is past change;

Praise him.

Explanation with Reference to the Context- These lines are the conclusion of the sonnet Pied Beauty composed by G. M. Hopkins. The poet was basically a priest by his character and profession. By his temperament he was a painter. He appreciates God for the multi-colours and their beauty.

All things are before the eyes of the poet in a pied manner. They bear different colours, shapes and patterns of colours. This whole creation of things is original and contrasting. They have not been copied from any previous source. Colours of somethings are not regular in their spots and manners. But nobody knows the reason why it happened. Some creatures made by God run fast while others move slow. Something are sweet in taste while others are bitter. Something dazzle the eyes, they are very bright while other things are of dim colours. However God created these all. He nourishes and looks after them. He is in Himself a Beauty. Everyone should praise God.

Note- The poet is amazed on the contrasting nature of things. All of the construction is pretty and God should be praised for it.


About the author

Salman Ahmad

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