
Write a critical appreciation of Pied Beauty.

Write a critical appreciation of Pied Beauty.

Write a critical appreciation of Pied Beauty.

Write a critical appreciation of Pied Beauty.



Pied Beauty is a poem of ten and half line only. Hopkins called it a “curtal” sonnet while the sonnet bears fourteen lines. By curtal sonnet the poet wanted to say that it was a shortened sonnet. He used this number of lines only in his two poems namely Pied Beauty and Peace. A different rhyme scheme has been added to the poem. It is the poet’s most successful invention. Instead of eight plus six lines he used six plus four and half line. Hopkins described its meter as “sprung paeonia”. It means according to this meter one stressed syllable and three unstressed syllable are used in the poem. Last half line is the motto of the poem.

A Religions Poem

Pied Beauty is a request from the side of the poet to the worldly people to come with him to praise the glory of the God. God made all things in pretty manner. This universe is the creation of unique effort. Poet’s sincerity is adorable in the poem. The poem is wonderful for its religious fever and vivid imagery. He has given a good poetic Piece for God devotion and literacy charm. The poet praises God for sky, dappled cow, red chestnut, fish and coloured-winged fish. God has been presented as father and creator whose beauty is past changed. He made sour and sweet objects slow and fast running creatures.

Theme of the Poem

In Pied Beauty Hopkins gives glory to God for the rich colour dappling of the Nature on the earth and in the sky. The poet mentions skies of couple-colour, the trout with its rose coloured skin spotted with black, fallen chestnuts revealing the red-coloured grown shell, finches with its dappled wings, the landscape which looks a patch of many colours, and all trades decked with different colours with beauty. In addition to the description of dapple things the poet describes another qualities too, as the slow and fast speed, sweet and sour taste, bright and dim colour, fickle and freckled patterns of colour, etc. In the space of nine lines the poet Covers a wide range of objects. In the tenth line he calls God as father Who looks after us. And in the last but half line the poet narrates his purpose saying all of a sudden to “Praise him”, which is the theme of the poem.

Development of Thought

The poem Pied Beauty is divided into three sections. First nine lines depict poet’s care for different Colours, tastes and speed. He describes the fish, cow, sky, chestnut, trout, plots of land, sweet and sour taste, slow and fast speed. In the second part of the poem viz, in the tenth line the poet compares God with father who gives its birth, looks after and nourishes. In the third section of the poem isz. in his last half line he narrates the conclusion of the poem. All of a sudden he catches our attention to finish the poem in saying to “Praise Hun”. This is the conclusion of the poem that all beauty must proceed from him. God is the creator and Father of contrast and creation. Thus he must be praised. The poem is inspired from the ancient poet Duns Scotus.


Language- Hopkins described the meter of the poem as ‘sprung paeonia’, a paeonia foot being one stressed plus three unstressed syllables. There is a melody of the single sound in dapple, stipple, couple, tackle, freckle and adazzle etc. Language of the poem is simple and musical.


About the author

Salman Ahmad

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