
Write the critical appreciation of the poem No. 11 entitled Leave this Chanting.

Write the critical appreciation of the poem No. 11 entitled Leave this Chanting.

Write the critical appreciation of the poem No. 11 entitled Leave this Chanting.

Write the critical appreciation of the poem No. 11 entitled Leave this Chanting.


This is one of the notable poems of Tagore. In this poem, the poet emphatically condemns the traditional form of worship practised by the followers of Hindu Dharma. The traditional devotee chants mantras and shlokas, sings hymns in praise of God and goes on turning beads of a rosary endlessly. He keeps himself away from acts of day to day life and hopes that by long meditation in the corner of a temple he can attain God. Tagore had always been against separating man from partaking in the acts of ordinary life. It is his conviction that God lives amid the poor, the meek and the humble and He can be pleased by sharing their joys and woes. He loves those that participate in the act of creation.

The poet does not agree to the traditional goal of attaining salvation. To him salvation is not freedom from work, it is in doing the work itself.

The thought expressed in the poem is simple and genuine. His message is very much like the message of Kabir. The language used in the poem is very simple. In this poem Tagore comes before us in the form of a social reformer.

About the author

Salman Ahmad

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