Great Personalities

Abraham Lincoln Biography and Works.

Abraham Lincoln Biography and Works.

An American hero, Abraham Lincoln is still remembered across the world as the one who rose from being ordinary to extraordinary. He was the as President of the United States from 1861 to 1865 and a saviour of those enslaved.

Born in Hodgeville, Kentucky, Lincoln grew up on his father’s farm. He used to help his father to look after the crops in the farm. He did meagre chores like splitting fence rails and working in a general store as a clerk. Whatever knowledge he acquired was from the books he read in the time he got between his chores.

This self-gathered education enabled him to become one of the finest lawyers of the world and the President of The United States.

In 1842, he married Mary Anne Todd and had four sons. However, only one of them survived.

An actor, John Wilkes Booth, shot Lincoln on April 14, 1865, while he was on a visit to the Ford’s Theatre. He passed away after being in coma for long and became the first US President to be ever assassinated.

As the President of he guided the people during the Civil War. He issued the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 to free people from slavery. His famous Gettysburg Address is still remembered and is quoted as the best speech in the history of America. He shed his views on the need for a free world with no bias towards any race.


On Abraham Lincoln’s 100th birthday in 1909, a penny was issued with his face on it to commemorate the occasion, becoming the first American coin to bear a president’s image on it.


“As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master. This expresses my idea of democracy”

About the author

Salman Ahmad

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