Great Personalities

Annie Besant Biography and Works.

Annie Besant Biography and Works.

Annie Besant (October 1, 1847 – September 20, 1933) was a prominent British women’s rights activist, theosophist, writer and orator and supporter of Irish and Indian self-rule.

She was married at 19 to Frank Besant but soon separated from him over religious differences.

Annie Besant became a prominent speaker for the National Secular Society (NCS) and writer. During this time, she became good friends with Charles Bradlaugh.

They were prosecuted for publishing a book by birth control campaigner Charles Knowlton in 1877. The scandal made them famous and Bradlaugh was elected Member of Parliament for Northampton in 1880.

She became involved with Union organizers including the Bloody Sunday demonstration and the London matchgirls strike of 1888. She was a leading speaker for the Fabian Society and the Marxist Social Democratic Federation (SDF).

Besant was elected to the London School Board for Tower Hamlets, topping the poll.

Besant met Helena Blavatsky in 1890 and her interest in Theosophy grew gradually while her interest in secular matters waned. She, eventually, became a member of the Society and a highly successful lecturer in Theosophy. She travelled to India as part of her Theosophy-related work, where in 1898, she helped to establish the Central Hindu College. In 1902, she formed the International Order of Co-Freemasonry in England. She also established lodges in many parts of the British Empire. In 1907, she became the President of the Theosophical Society.


Annie Besant also became involved in politics in India and joined the Indian National Congress (INC).

About the author

Salman Ahmad

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