Great Personalities

Osho Biography and Works.

Osho Biography and Works.

Born as Chandra Mohan Jain on December 1, 1931, Osho was an Indian mystic, guru, and spiritual teacher who garnered an international following.

He was known as Acharya Rajneesh from the 1960s, as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh during 1970s and 1980s and as Osho from 1989.

He was a professor of philosophy and travelled throughout India in the 1960s as a public speaker.

His outspoken criticism of socialism, Mahatma Gandhi and institutionalized religions made him a controversial figure. He advocated a more open attitude towards sexuality. It was the stance that earned him the sobriquet, ‘sex guru’ in the Indian and later international press.

Osho settled for a while in Bombay (Mumbai) in 1970. He began initiating disciples, known as neo-sannyasins and took on the role of a spiritual teacher.

He reinterpreted writings of religious traditions, mystics and philosophers from across the world.

She established an ashram that attracted increasing numbers of Westerners after moving to Poona in 1974. The ashram offered therapies derived from the human potential movement to its western audience and made news in India and abroad because of its permissive climate.

Osho left his body on January 19, 1990. Osho’s teachings have had a notable impact on western new age thought and their popularity has increased markedly since his death.


His syncretic teachings emphasis the importance of awareness, meditation, love, courage, creativity, celebration and humour-qualities that he viewed as being suppressed by adherence to static belief systems, religious traditions and socialization.

About the author

Salman Ahmad

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