
Define leadership and different styles of leadership

Define leadership and different styles of leadership

Define leadership and different styles of leadership

Leadership is considered as the most important element of the directing function of management. It supports all other managerial functions by assisting in the formulation and execution of plans. Good leadership provides the following benefits:

1. Clarification of Goals: A leader interprets and explains the objectives of the group to his followers. As a result, the members of the group know the targets to be achieved and the contribution each of them is to make towards common objectives. Leader guides employees and improves efficiency.

2. Motivation: A good leader creates an urge for higher performance among people. He creates self-confidence and enthusiasm among his subordinates. A sound leader can create an environment conducive to hard work. He directs the potential talent of employees towards the achievement of goals. These factors improve job satisfaction of followers.

3. Morale Building: A leader builds up dedication and loyalty among the group of people. He develops mutual co-operation and self-discipline among people. The persons become ready to sacrifice even their lives for the good of the common goal. Under a good leader, people work willingly and enthusiastically. The leader encourages subordinates to take initiative and provides psycho logical support to them. He serves as a friend, philosopher and guide for his group.

4. Resolves Conflicts: An organisation can be successful only when all its members work together as a team rather than going in different directions. It is the leader who creates team spirit and co-operation among different members of the group. He resolves internal conflicts and differences of opinion. He serves as an arbitrator and mediator among the members. A leader harmonises the personal goals and aspirations of subordinates with the goals of the organisation as a whole. He enhances group cohesiveness and collective vision among people.

5. Facilitates Change: In the dynamic environment of today. frequent changes are required in the structure and working of an organisation. But change creates uncertainty and inconvenience. Therefore, people tend to resist change. A good leader persuades people to accept and carry out the desired changes. A leader is an important agent of organisational change and development. He provides training and support to his followers.

6. Representation : A leader serves as the representative of his followers. He protects their interest and serves as their guardian. He acts as their spokesman and bargains with the outside forces for the welfare of the group. A true leader upholds the interests of his followers and attempts to fulfil their hopes and aspirations. He is always ready to solve the problems of his followers. A leader manager represents his organisation is business meetings, trade conferences, government committees and so on.

Competent leadership is required at all levels of management. All managers must provide leadership so as to create an urge in the employees to cooperate and improve their performance towards the achievement of organisational objectives. Sound leadership improves productivity through effective utilisation of resources.

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