M. Com

A successful manager must have complete knowledge of art of communication.” Comment.

A successful manager must have complete knowledge of art of communication." Comment.

A successful manager must have complete knowledge of art of communication.” Comment.

A successful manager must have complete knowledge of art of communication.” Comment.


Give a detailed note on communication as ‘integral part of the process of change.”


Discuss the importance of communication.


What is the significance of corporate communication?


“Communication is the key to successive managers.” Explain it.


How is communication important for managerial functioning?


What are the reason of growing importance of communication.


Significance of Corporate Communication


Importance of Communication

In a small concern managers and employees make face to face discussion and receive and give information. However in a big concern activities relating to organising, planning, operating, controlling, co-ordinating, and motivating are executed through business/corporate communication. Management and corporate communication are too close and they cannot be separated from each other. Any concern cannot complete his work without communication. Communication is the mechanism through which human relations are developed by the manager in the organization. According to Peter F. Drucker “The manager has a specific tool: information. He does not handle people; he motivates, guides, organises people to do their own work. His tool, his only tool-to do all this is the spoken or written word or the language of numbers.”

According to Koontz and O’Donnel, “It is no exaggeration to say that communication is the means by which organisation activity is unified. It is the means by which behaviour is modified, change is effected and goals are achieved.”

Business communication offers the following benefits:

1. Effective Implementation of Plans – Plans must be conveyed to those who can convert them into action.

2. Increase Motivation and Morale – Communication facilitates decentralisation. It plays a vital role in building up high. morale in the organisation.

3. Good Human Relations – Sound communication enables workers to present grievances. It reduces industrial unrest.

4. Establishment of Co-ordination – Communication links different departments and divisions together. It helps to create teamwork and serves as a cementing force. According to Mary Cushing Niles, good communication is essential for co-ordination.

5. Public Relations – It establishes relation with customers, investors, trade unions, government and the local community. For running the organization, managers need knowledge about the components of external environment. Communication provides information to the managers.

6. Effective Leadership – Communication helps in communicating the opinions and suggestions of a leader to his followers.

7. Increase in Efficiency – It helps in the increase of efficiency. It can be achieved only through an effective system of communication.

8. Maximum Production at Minimum Cost – Success depends on ability in getting the maximum production of best quality at minimum cost.

9. For running Internal Administration – Manager has to issue instructions to subordinates regarding the work to be done.

10. Basis of Control – Managers lays certain objectives, compare actual performance with the standards and take corrective actions in case of variations. Control is possible if there exists an effective communication in the organization.

Factors Responsible for Significance of Communication

Following factors are responsible for the importance of communication:

1. Very large size of organisations;

2. Scientific and technological development;

3. Change in the methods of working,

4. Adaptation of dynamic nature of the organisation;

5. Increasing responsibility of business to different sections; society;

6. Influence of behavioural sciences like Sociology, Psychology; Transactional Analysis, Philosophy etc;

7. Preparing and maintaining human relations; and

8. Development of trade unions and trade associations etc.

About the author

Salman Ahmad

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