
Attempt a brief critical appreciation of the Voice by Thomas Hardy.

Attempt a brief critical appreciation of the Voice by Thomas Hardy.

Attempt a brief critical appreciation of the Voice by Thomas Hardy.

Attempt a brief critical appreciation of the Voice by Thomas Hardy.


By temperament, Hardy is melancholic and pessimistic which bent of his mind we see in this poem also. He has written this poem in the spirit of paying a happy tribute to his wife and tells that in spite of his best efforts, he has not forgotten her even after so long time. This is true that at the same time he makes every effort to forget since he very well knows that this memory will bring nothing but melancholy but he has not succeed in his effort and time and again, she becomes alive in his memory. He feels as if she is still calling him as she used to do in his life time and her voice continuously echoes in his ears. This may be illusion, but for sometime it is consoling and pleasing The deep anguish and yearning of the poet can be well realized in the very beginning when he says

Woman much missed, how you call to me, call to me.

The repetition of the phrase ‘call to me’ reveals the sincerity and love for his wife. But at the same time, his melancholy is revealed in the very next line that you are not as you were’. He remembers those days which they had passed together happily but that is now never possible in future. I this way, the poem is a beautiful mixture of the longing and melancholy which is so characteristic of Hardy.

The poem is certainly autobiographical though there is poignancy at his helplessness. Here it is quite contrasted to Prospice by Browning who is hopeful of meeting his wife in the other world. Hardy is reminded of the early days of their courtship

Standing as when I drew near to the town,

Where you would wait for me; yes, as I knew you then.

He has not forgotten that he recognized her by her ‘air blue gown’ but laments that those happy days have gone. These lines echo the lyric of Shelley where he laments that the joy of life has gone and will never return. He has lost all interest in life and even the wind seems to push him forward instead of giving him any pleasure. Whatever be the case, his loss is irreparable and the voice would be no more audible “Heard no more again far or near”. In spite of all this melancholy, the poet accepts his fate but the illusion of the voice of his wife haunts him continuously.

The poem comprises of four stanzas of unequal length, though the feeling behind them is the same-that of utter melancholy, helplessness and loneliness. The change in the length of lines indicates the rise and fall of passion in the heart of the poet. The rhythm is slow which corresponds to the basic spirit of the poem-the grief and regret at the death of his wife. The poet goes into the past and then slowly, realizing the truth of life, returns to the present but the melancholy tone in both the periods has been similarly maintained. The sentiments are so deeply touching that even the readers also feel equally moved with the poet. The last stanza proves that the helpless poet is really heartbroken

Wind oozing thin through the thorn from nor ward,

And the woman calling

On the whole, the poem is a glowing tribute by Hardy to his wife.


About the author

Salman Ahmad

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