
Domestic and international business / advantages of international business.

Domestic and international business / advantages of international business.

Domestic and international business / advantages of international business.

Key Differences Between Domestic and International Business the most important differences between domestic and international business are classified as under:

1. Domestic Business is defined as the business whose economic transaction is conducted within the geographical limits of the country. International Business refers to a business which is not restricted to a single country, i.e. a business which is engaged in the economic transaction with several countries in the world.

2. The area of operation of the domestic business is limited, which is the home country. On the other hand, the area of operation of an international business is vast, i.e. it serves many countries at the same time.

3. The quality standards of products and services provided by a domestic business is relatively low. Conversely, the quality standards of international business are very high which are set according to global standards.

4. Domestic business deals in the currency of the country in which it operates. On the contrary, the international business deals in the multiple currencies.

5. Domestic Business requires comparatively less capital investment as compared to international business.

6. Domestic Business has few restrictions, as it is subject to rules, law taxation of a single country. As against this, international business is subject to rules, law taxation, tariff and quotas of many countries and therefore, it has to face many restrictions which are barriers in the international business.

7. The nature of customers of a domestic business is more or less same. Unlike, international business where in the nature of customers of every country it serves is different.

8. Business Research can be conducted easily, in domestic business. As against this, in the case of international research, it is difficult to conduct business research as it is expensive and research reliability varies from country to country.

9. In domestic business, factors of production are mobile whereas, in international business, the mobility of factors of production are restricted.

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