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Explain the types of advertising copy.

Explain the types of advertising copy.

Explain the types of advertising copy.

Explain the types of advertising copy.


What are the several types of advertising copy? Discuss in detail.


Types of Advertising Copy

An advertising copy is prepared for various objective. Therefore, it can be in different forms. Some significant types of an advertising copy are as under-

1. Suggestive Copy: As its name indicates, a suggestive advertising copy conveys or suggests the message to readers to persue them to buy the product. Suggestive advertising copy can be of the following two types –

(i) Direct suggestive copy, and

(ii) Indirect suggestive copy.

Suggestive copy is significant where the reader is confused about the quality of a product brand. If readers think themselves incapable of deciding which brand should be bought.

2. Informative Advertising Copy: Informative advertising copy gives complete information about the product.

3. Human Interest Advertising Copy: It presents the products in relation to people. Human interest copy will be effective if well written in a captivating way. It makes an appeal to the emotions Sympathy, fear, bonus, curiosity etc. are used in such type copy. Human interest copy gets to the selling point in a more leisurely, more indirect way and reluctantly.

4. Scientific Advertising Copy: Scientific copy gives full information about the product and producer. This type of copy is technical in nature. Main things about scientific advertising copies are as under:

(i) Generally drugs and pharmaceutical companies use this type of copy.

(ii) Scientific copy is meant for professionals or for those who are really interested.

(iii) Such a copy does not attract the general readers.

5. Descriptive Copy: When pertinent and relevant features of the product are described in the copy, it is called descriptive copy.

Major things about these copies are as under-

(i) Simple and non-technical nature,

(ii) Usually drafted not by a professional copy writer

(iii) Does not have any speciality to attract the attention of the target consumers.

(iv) Very much similar to a press account or news item.

Descriptive advertising copy gives relevant information without any stylish touch.

6. With Reason Advertising Copy: With reason advertising copy offers the readers reasons why they should get the advertised goods. Here reason for a purchase are given. Main things about with reason advertising copy are as under-

(i) Reason illustrates a particular attribute and benefits.

(ii) It narrates the positive points of difference from other brands.

(iii) With reason copy directs appeal to the intellect.

(iv) One attribute may be repeated for several times.

7. Educational Advertising Copy: This type of copy educates the general public about the product’s attributes.. Educational copy may also be missionary. In educational copy introductory appeal is made. Main things about educational advertising copy are as under:

(i) Educational copy shows the specialities of the product in contrast to the existing brands.

(ii) The advertising firm insists an only one or two attributes of the product.

8. Testimonial Advertising Copy: A copy in which the statements of those persons are given who had used the items, is called testimonial copy.

9. Appreciation Advertising Copy: When advertiser appreciates the purchaser in the copy and he makes him to realize the requirement for his goods, is known as appreciation advertising copy.

10. Comparative Advertising Copy: When firm makes an effort to show its product better than the product of other firms, it is called comparative advertising copy. Logics are submitted in this regard.

11. Realisation Advertising Copy: Realisation advertising copy awakes the feeling of purchase among customers. Realisation copy is the combination of human interest copy and with reason copy.

12. Goodwill Copy: Old concerns acquire goodwill in the market and inspire the buyers by describing their experiences and popularity. Example – “Glycodin – a remedy for 100 years old cough.”

13. Questioning Copy: In questioning copy, many questions are put forward not to seek answers but to emphasise some attributes. Questions are put forward to stress a significant positioning of the goods.

About the author

Salman Ahmad

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