
Features of Business cycle 

Features of Business cycle 

Features of Business cycle

1. Business cycles occur periodically. Though they do not show same regularity, they have some distinct phases such as expansion, peak.

contraction or depression and trough. Further the duration of cycles varies a good deal from minimum of two years to a maximum of ten to twelve years.

2. Secondly, business cycles are Synchronic. That is, they do not cause changes in any single industry or sector but are of all embracing character For example, depression or contraction occurs simultaneously in all industries or sectors of the economy. Recession passes from one industry to another and chain reaction continues till the whole economy is in the grip of recession. Similar process is at work in the expansion phase, prosperity spreads through various linkages of input-output relations or demand relations between various industries and sectors.

3. Thirdly, it has been observed that fluctuations occur not only in level of production but also simultaneously in other variables such as employment, investment, consumption, rate of interest and price level.

4. Another important feature of business cycles is that investment and consumption of durable consumer goods such as cars, houses, refrigerators are affected most by the cyclical fluctuations. As stressed by J.M. Keynes, investment is greatly volatile and unstable as it depends on profit expectations of private entrepreneurs. These expectations of entrepreneurs change quite often making investment quite unstable. Since consumption of durable consumer goods can be deferred, it also fluctuates greatly during the course of business cycles.

5. An important feature of business cycles is that consumption of non durable goods and services does not vary much during different phases of business cycles. Past data of business cycles reveal that households maintain a great stability in consumption of non-durable goods.

6. The immediate impact of depression and expansion is on the inventories of goods. When depression sets in, the inventories start accumulating beyond the desired level. This leads to cut in production of goods. On the contrary, when recovery starts, the inventories go below the desired level. This encourages businessmen to place more orders for goods whose production picks up and stimulates investment in capital goods.

7. Another important feature of business cycles is profits fluctuate more than any other type of income. The occurrence of business cycles causes a lot of uncertainty for businessmen and makes it difficult to forecast the economic conditions. During the depression period profits may even become negative and many businesses go bankrupt. In a free market economy profits are justified on the ground that they are necessary payments if the entrepreneurs are to be induced to bear uncertainty.

8. Lastly, business cycles are international in character. That is, once started in one country they spread to other countries through trade relations between them. For example, if there is a recession in the USA, which is a large importer of goods from other countries, will cause a fall in demand for imports from other countries whose exports would be adversely affected causing recession in them too. Depression of 1930s in USA and Great Britain engulfed the entire capital world..

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