
Features of different stages related to the evolution of management thought

Features of different stages related to the evolution of management thought

Features of different stages related to the evolution of management thought

The emergency of management thought is not a matter of mere chance. The development of it was gradual and it has passed through various distinct time periods. Herbert G. Hicks has divided the period into four distinct stages. Since this movement has achieved new horizon only during the through various distinct present century, we shall classify the stages of the time periods i.e. the evolution of management into three periods viz.,

(1) The classical Period the neoclassical period (1900-1930)

(2) The Neo-classical classical period (1930-1950) and

(3) The Modern Period (1950 to present). indentify

I. The Classical Theory of Management: We can three streams of thought in this period:

2. Bureaucratic Model introduced by Max Webber around 1900.

3. Functional or Administrative or Process Management Theory advanced by Henry Fayol around 1910.

II. The Neo-Classical Theory: It includes two streams of thought

1. Human Relations Movement was propagated by Elton Mayo and Reothlisberger around 1930.

2. Behavioural Sciences Movement was introduced by A. Maslow, McGregor around 1940.

III. The Modern Management Theories:

It consists of three streams of thought:

1. Quantitative Approach or Operations Research Analysis was developed by Taylor around 1950.

2. Systems Approach was propounded by Boulding, Johnson and others after 1950.

3. Contingency Approach was developed by Lorsch, Lawrence and others..

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