Great Personalities

John F Kennedy Biography and Works.

John F Kennedy Biography and Works.

John Fitzgerald Kennedy with the nicknames like JFK, JACK’ and “CRASH KENNEDY” was born on May 29, 1917 to Rose Kennedy and Joseph P Kennedy. John was named after his maternal grandfather, John ‘Honey Fitz’ Fitzgerald, the mayor of Boston. John kept on getting ill as a child and was given the last rites five times, the first one being when he was a newborn.

He was the second of four boys born to an Irish Catholic family with nine children: Joseph Jr., John, Robert F Kennedy (called Bobby), and Ted Kennedy (born Edward). Because Rose made Joe and Jack (the name his family called him) wear matching clothes, they fought a lot for attention.

John went to Choate, a private school. John went to Princeton, then Harvard, and for his senior thesis he wrote a piece about why England refused to get into the war until late. It was published in 1940 and called “Why England Slept”.

John ran for Congress in Massachusetts in the early 1950’s and won. He married Jacqueline Kennedy on September 12 1953. He became a father rather late in life. Their first child, Caroline Kennedy, was born on November 27, 1957 when John was 40 and their son, John Kennedy Jr., was born on November 25, 1960 when JFK was 43. They had a son named Patrick Bouvier, but he died a few days after birth.

On November 22, 1963, John was to give a speech in Dallas, but on his way an assassin hidden on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository opened fire at Kennedy, who was riding in an open car. Hit twice and severely wounded, Kennedy died in a local hospital at 1:00 pm. Lee Harvey Oswald, the assassin was captured after a short period of time for interrogation.


He was the youngest elected US President.


“Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.”

About the author

Salman Ahmad

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