Great Personalities

Ludwig Van Beethoven Biography and Works.

Ludwig Van Beethoven Biography and Works.

One of the most famous musicians of the Western Classical era, Beethoven was a pianist and a composer from Germany. His music and compositions have influenced many after his time.

Baptised on December 17, 1770 at Bonn in Germany, Beethoven is known to be one of the most popular music composers. He played at the Court of Bonn.

Being a musician himself, Beethoven’s father realized the gift of God in the form of music and made him practise a lot. He wanted him to be a child prodigy like Mozart.

Beethoven’s talent was discovered by renowned musician, Gottlob Neefe, who decided to teach him music. Neefe even placed him as an organist at the Court of Maximilian Franz, Elector of Cologne when Beethoven was 14 years old. Impressed with Beethoven, Prince Maximilian Franz sent him to Vienna to meet Mozart for further musical education.

Beethoven made extraordinary music in Vienna and toured a lot. Admiration for him grew and so did his supporters.

Beethoven started developing hearing problems by 1801. But his deafness didn’t stop him from composing music. He indulged himself in creating exceptional symphonies and his one and only opera.

On March 26, 1827 the artist passed away, leaving behind music that inspired many.


Beethoven’s father claimed his age to be six on his first public performance when he was actually seven-and-a-half years old, to make him look like an extraordinary child prodigy.


“Beethoven can write music, thank God, but he can do nothing else on earth.”

About the author

Salman Ahmad

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