
Main sources of energy found in India

Main sources of energy found in India
Main sources of energy found in India

Main sources of energy found in India

Energy is a backbone of complete production activity. Any production activity cannot operate without energy as it an important aspect of a development process. Not only in the industrial sector but also in agriculture sector, energy is used on a large scale. This energy is used in operations like transportation and operations of pesticides, fertilisers, and farm equipment. It also plays an important part in households for household lighting, cooking, and heating.

Sources of Energy

Commercial Energy- This type of energy is usually consumed by commercial entities and not by the residential or households. This energy is accessible to the consumers at a price to be paid and is a non-renewable source of energy. Commercial sources like coal petroleum, and electricity are bought and sold it to the users Sometimes the use of a commercial source of energy is taken as a sign of economic development of a country.

Non-Commercial Energy- This sources of energy is used by people for household purpose. It indicates the standard of living of a country. Non-commercial energy is available free of cost to the users. Few examples are cow dung, firewood, and agriculture waste.

Following are the various conventional sources of energy

1. Coal:

India has the world’s 5th largest proven coal reserves with nearly 170 billion metric tons. In India, coal is the bulk primary energy contributor with 56.90% share equivalent to 452.2 Mtoe in 2018. India’s coal production has only fallen once in the last 30 years when the figure fell from 319 mt in 1997 to 316 mt in 1998.

Coal is the main source of energy in India and it accounts for about 67% of country’s commercial requirements. In 2005-06, coal based thermal power stations contributed about 75% of the total power generation. India ranks third in the world regarding coal production after China and America. Coal production which was around 32.30 million tonnes in 1950-51 increased to 572.25 million tonnes in 2010 -11.

2. Petroleum:

Petroleum consumption has been increasing faster than the petroleum production in India. As a result India’s dependence of crude oil has been rising to meet the domestic requirement of petroleum. In 2007-08 crude oil production was 36 million tonnes (estimated).

3. Natural Gas:

Natural gas can be used for both domestic and industrial purposes.. It finds application in the power, fertiliser and petrochemical industries. Total gross production amounted to 32.89 billion cubic metres in 2008 09 while registered demand for natural gas in the country was around 95 billion cubic metres.

4. Hydro Power:

In 2008-09 level of hydro-electricity generation was 113.08 billion Kwh by utilities. In countries like Norway and Brazil its contribution is more than 90% in their total electricity generation. To meet the requirement of additional capacity during the Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012-17), a shelf of 87 hydro projects of capacity 20,334 MW has been tentatively identified as candidate projects.

5. Atomic Energy:

India is now one of the few countries which have made considerable progress in the field of atomic energy. In 2009, 17 atomic reactors were working in the country with total energy production of 4120 MW. Five other atomic reactors are under construction. Total electricity generated in this sector was 14.71 billion Kwh in 2007-08 which was around 3% of total electricity generated.

Atomic energy can be produced by using uranium and thorium. The deposits of uranium in India are limited. In 2005, they were estimated at 34,300 tonnes. Uranium is found in Andhra Pradesh, Bihar and Rajasthan. India’s thorium deposits have been estimated at 3, 63,000 tonnes which are the largest in the world. Monazite is the source of thorium. It is found in Kerala, Karnataka and Bihar.

6. Solar Energy:

This energy is increasingly being used for varied purposes, such as water heating, cooking, electrification, distillation of water, timber seasoning, etc. It has been estimated that India can generate 20 MW solar powers per square km land area. However, a major problem in harnessing solar energy is that it is not available in a concentrated form. Moreover, it is highly variable. Solar energy for high heat applications at a steady rate can be produced only at a high cost.

7. Wind Power:

According to the report of Renewable Energy Ministry, the established potential of wind energy in the country was 5310 MW on March 31, 2006. Thus India is fourth in wind power generation after Germany, Spain and USA.

However, India has the potential of 45,000 MW wind power generation. A Centre for Wind Energy Technology (C-WET) has been set up at Chennai with the objectives of promoting and accelerating the utilisation of wind power.

8. Biomass:

In March, 2006 estimated potential of biomass power cogeneration was 66,000 MW while the actual achievement was only 912.53 MW. Under the National Project for Biogas Development nearly 3.2 million biogas plants was set up by the end of Tenth Plan. India has achieved leadership position in the biomass gasification technology and systems are being exported to many countries.

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