Great Personalities

Mozart Biography and Works.

Mozart Biography and Works.

Mozart was born on January 27, 1756 in Salzburg, Austria. He grew up in Salzburg under the regulation of his strict father, Leopold who asp was a famous composer of his time.

His abilities in music were obvious even when Mozart was still young so that in 1762 at the age of six, his father took him with his elder sister on a concert tour to Munich and Vienna and a second one from 1763-66 through the south of Germany, Paris and London. Mozart was celebrated as a wonder child everywhere because of his excellent piano playing and his improvisations.

In 1769, he became the concertmaster of the Archbishop and was knighted by the Pope in Rome. Working in Salzburg, he nevertheless travelled around Europe to meet other composers and orchestras. But in 1781, after a dispute with the Archbishop, he left Salzburg and went to Vienna, where he married Constanze Weber from Mannheim.

In Vienna, he also started his friendship with Joseph Haydn and a time of many work pieces. In the last year of his life, for example, he wrote one of his masterpieces, “Die Zauberflöte”. Although some of his operas were successful, he could not make money from this and died in poverty at the age of 36, having even on his last day worked on a “Requiem”. He was buried in a communal grave which could not be precisely identified years later.


“People are wrong who think my art comes easily to me. I assure you, nobody has devoted so much time and thought to composition as I.”

About the author

Salman Ahmad

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