
SAARC / its objective and principles

SAARC / its objective and principles

SAARC / its objective and principles

This association was formed by the South Asian countries including India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Nepal. Bhutan, Sri Lanka and Maldives in December, 1985. Afghanistan joined as the eighth member of the Association at the 14th SAARC summit held in New Delhi in April 2007. The status of observer has been accorded to the USA, EU, China, Japan, South Korea, Iran, Australia and Myanmar.

The 16th Summit of SAARC was held in Thimpu, Bhutan in April 2010. A positive development from this meet was that eight member states arrived at an agreement on trade in services that was stated to accelerate regional collaboration in diverse areas like communications, computer and information services, air transport, health and hospitality.

The 17th SAARC Summit was held in Addu, Maldives in November 2011. This meet emphasised upon the need to intensify efforts to fully and effectively implement the South Asian Free Trade Area (SAFTA) agreement on reduction in sensitive lists as well as early resolution of non-tariff barriers. Other issues on which member countries could agree were greater flow of financial capital and intra-regional long term investment, conclusion of Regional Railway Agreement and conclusion of agreement for energy co operation.

The 18th SAARC Summit was held in Kathmandu, Nepal in November 2014. Although member countries re-emphasized upon the regional co operation and collaboration, yet the necessary commitments were lacking. The only saving grace was in the field of sub-regional connectivity. In June 2015, India, Bangladesh, Bhutan and Nepal entered into an agreement to promote sub-regional road development network through these countries.

Objectives and Principles of SAARC

The SAARC has placed before it the basic goal of rapid economic and social development of the countries of the region through the optimum utilization of the collective material and human resources.

Objectives: The objectives of the Association, as specified in the Article I of the Charter of the SAARC are as under

(1) Promotion of the welfare of the people of South Asia and improvement in the quality of their life.

(2) Acceleration of economic growth, social progress and cultural development in the region and provision for all individuals the opportunity to live in dignity and to realize their full potentials.

(3) Promotion and strengthening of collective self-reliance among the countries of South Asia.

(4) Making of contribution to mutual trust, understanding and appreciation of each other’s problems.

(5) Promotion of active collaboration and mutual assistance in the economic, social, cultural, technical and scientific fields.

(6) Strengthening of co-operation with other developing countries.

(7) Strengthening of co-operation among themselves in international forums on the matters of common interest.

(8) Promotion of co-operation with international and regional organizations with similar aims and purposes.


The Article II of the SAARC Charter has spelled out the following principles:

(i) Co-operation within the framework of Association shall be based upon the respect for the principles of sovereign equality, territorial integrity, political independence, non-interference in the internal affairs of other states and mutual benefit.

(ii) The co-operation among the members of the Association shall not be a substitute for bilateral and multilateral co-operation but shall be complementary to them.

(iii) The co-operation among the member nations shall not be inconsistent with bilateral and multilateral obligations.

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