Great Personalities

Vasco da Gama Biography and Works.

Vasco da Gama Biography and Works.

Born in 1460, Vasco da Gama was a Portuguese navigator and acquired a reputation as a brave and able sea commander. When the king of Portugal decided to send an expedition in search of a passage south of Africa to India, Vasco da Gama was selected to command.

After confessing and receiving absolution after the manner of those going to their death, Vasco and his companions set out with four ships. In spite of storms and tempests, they reached Calicut, and set up a marble pillar in evidence of their arrival in the country.

A fleet of 13 ships was sent out at once to establish a factory for trade with India. The ships returned in due time, heavily laden with rich shawls, silks, spices and precious gems bringing great gain into the king’s coffers.

In 1502, he was sent accordingly with a fleet to the coast of India. He bombarded Calicut and treated the inhabitants with great cruelty.

He was made the Portuguese Viceroy of India.

He died in India on December 24, 1524 and was buried in a monastery, but his remains were brought home and buried with pomp and ceremony.


He was instrumental in making Portugal for a time the leading commercial nation of Europe.


“May God our Lord allow us to complete our journey in His service, Amen.”

About the author

Salman Ahmad

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