
Describe Walt Whitman as a great poet of America.

Describe Walt Whitman as a great poet of America.

Describe Walt Whitman as a great poet of America.

Describe Walt Whitman as a great poet of America.


Describe some qualities of Walt Whitman as a great poet.


What do you know about the themes of his poetry ? Discuss them briefly.


Describe briefly the language and style of the great poet.



Today we remember Walt Whitman as one of the greatest poets as well as a distinguished man-of-letters. It is by virtue of his great poems and other compositions that he had achieved great name and fame in the literary field of the American literature. His great volume of poems was published in the month of July, 1855 with its title ‘Leaves of Grass’ by which he became very famous not only in America but also in many other countries of Europe and the world. A great writer and critic, Emerson recognized him not only as a great poet of America but also as a great genius. It is necessary to mention that his poetical composition ‘Leaves of Grass’ has been judged as one of the greatest classics of, American literature. His readers read the poems of this collection again and again and they admire him from the bottom of their heart. Many critics regard him as an original poet with his new and original ideas. His name and fame are still remembered well by the lovers of his great poetry.

His Qualities

As we study the poems contained in the ‘Leaves of Grass’ and his other poetical compositions, we come to the conclusion that Walt Whitman was an original poet out-and-out by virtue of his original ideas. The critics of his poetry judged him highly original and innovative. Some critics and many of readers regard Walt Whitman as a highly revolutionary poet because he made use of his new and innovative ideas in his poetry. His poetry clearly shows his original ideas with his clear vision. Some critics call him a fighter with excessive enthusiasm which we find clearly expressed in the lines of his poetry. This is the reason that critics assert that he is a revolutionary poet after breaking all traditions and superstitions.

After making a close and serious study of the collection of his poems in the ‘Leaves of Grass’ and his other poetical compositions we find him not only a revolutionary poet with his original ideas but we also find him with a high sense of optimism. He had composed his poetry with a definite purpose of improving the social life of the contemporary people of America. He added that they should give up their out-of-date traditions and superstitions. He never gave heart because he was a great poet with great quality of optimism both in his life as well as in his poetry. He also had free spirit and happy nature.

His Different Themes

His poetry clearly shows that he had three elements of unity, dignity and equality in his poetry. First of all, his poetry clearly shows the unity of his feelings and expressions. He not only loved the people of his own country America but he also loved the people of all other countries in an equal way. In this way. Walt Whitman was a great American poet with a cosmopolitan attitude and a large heart with deep love and affection for whole humanity. His lyrical poetry clearly shows it that he also showed his support for political unity which is clear from his poetry. He also showed unity of man with nature. Secondly, he showed the value of human dignity in his poetry in a real manner. He asserted that all women should be respected as an important part of social life. Thirdly, and lastly the poet was in favor of equality for all persons, both the rich and the poor. He expressed this idea in his poetry. Thus, he was a great socialist.

His Language and Style

The language and diction of the great poet shows that he was very original in his poetry. It is supported by the fact that he was both an innovator as well as a great revolutionary both by his ideas and his poetry. In this way, Walt Whitman may be compared with the great romantic poet, Wordsworth. His expression shows that he used a new kind of language including a large number of borrowed words from the real life of the people of America. He also coined some new words of his own suited to his poetry. He also borrowed some words from some foreign languages.

Today, we remember Walt Whitman for his unique style and the proper use of the technique of expression. This is the reason that he is called an original poet. He made use of “Thought Rhythm’ in an effective style. He did not copy his language and style from the Bible because he had an independent style of his own.

His Greatness

After reading the prescribed poems and other compositions of Walt Whitman we find that he was a great poet of America with his multipurpose personality. It is necessary to mention that he had composed his impressive poetry on various themes containing the great qualities of unity, dignity, equality. In this way, the poet had a democratic attitude showing the need of economic equality and social justice for all the people not only of America but also of other countries of the world. In this way, he was a great lover and supporter of humanity. It is true that he was an original poet with an innovative attitude, so he was much admired by his countrymen for his greatness.

Certainly he was one of the greatest poets of America for his revolutionary ideas related to love, sex and romance. He also became famous for his poetry with the feelings of joy and hopefulness liked and admired by his readers. It is true that, today we remember him as a poet with his free mind and free spirit. His aim was also to give pleasure to all his readers.


It is true that Walt Whitman was a great poet of America because he composed his poetry in an original manner with his innovative ideas. His attitude related to love and sex made him more popular with the young readers of all ages. He is called the master of his unique style and simple language.

About the author

Salman Ahmad

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