
Write the summary of the Poem entitled “An Introduction”.

Write the summary of the Poem entitled "An Introduction".

Write the summary of the Poem entitled “An Introduction”.

Write the summary of the Poem entitled “An Introduction”.


Summary of the Poem

In the poem, ‘An Introduction’ the poetess Kamala Das introduces herself and gives a detailed description of herself. In the beginning of the poem, she tells us, that she has no interest in politics but knows the name of all politicians. She is an Indian, she was born in Malabar and she knows three languages. She expresses herself in English, but many of her friends and relatives suggest to her that she should not write in English. But she tells all of them not to give her any advice and let her express herself in her chosen language. The language she uses to express her ideas becomes her own language and it is as human as she herself is. Through it, she gives vent to her joys, her hopes and her desires. Then she stepped into youth and there appeared changes in her body and there sprouted hair on one or two spots. When she asked of love, a sixteen years old boys was shut with her in a bedroom. He did not beat her but her sad woman body felts as if she had been beaten severely. Then the weight of her breasts and womb crushed her. Then she began to wear cloths of her choice and started living in recent fashion and style. She busied herself with many domestic activities. Even at this stage people advised for what she ought to do and what she not ought to do. Then she met a man. He was a common men and he was as much in need of a woman as she was in need of a man. In the end she says that she is a free women. She does whatever she wishes to do. She makes love and she feels ashamed. She is a beloved and she is betrayed. She is a sinner as well as a saint. Her joys and comforts are the joys and comforts of all and woes and sufferings of others are her own woes and sufferings.


About the author

Salman Ahmad

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