Write the explanation of the essay “Of Studies”.
(1) STUDIES serve………….that are learned.”.
Reference to the Context: These lines have been taken from Of Studies one of the famous essays written by Francis Bacon.
In the essay Bacon throws light on the importance of books and studies in human life.
Explanation: Study of books is useful in various ways. It gives pleasure. It has a decorative value. It increases one’s practical ability. Bacon then expends the statement. Books give pleasure to man in his hours of leisure when he has no company. From books man gets material such as illustration, quotations, with which he embellishes his conversation. Man develops the ability of making correct judgements in his day to day affairs and managing them well. Men of experience certainly have the capacity of dealing with individual or particular matters as they come along. But the planning of an over all strategy, the laying down of policies and the designing and systematic arrangement of the individual matters into an integrated whole can be expected only from learned person i.e., those who have gained knowledge from wide reading.
Critical Comments: 1. The essayist is discussing the functions of study.
2. Studies provide delight in loneliness, beauty to the conversation and impart ability and wisdom.
(2) To spend too much…………..humour of a scholar.
Reference to the Context: Same.
Explanation: Bacon suggests that too much time must not be spent on the study of books. It would be a misuse of books and a sign of laziness. To use the knowledge of books too much in conversation is a parade of knowledge and should be avoided. Neither should a man be guided in his practical life wholly be the theoretical knowledge provided by books. As a matter of fact, bookish knowledge must be supplemented and perfected by the practical experience of life.
Critical Comments: 1. The excess of study should be avoided.
2. Giving too much time to studies leads to slowness of action.
3. A person whose decisions are guided by studies alone, is liable to face disappointment.
(3) Crafty men………………won by observation.
Reference to the Context: Same.
Here Bacon describes different attitudes of different people towards the use of studies in human life.
Explanation: Bacon says that crafty and cunning people condemn studies, for they think, they are clever enough to do without them. Simple people admire books, but they fail to use them in their practical life. It is only the wise who make the right use of knowledge. The use of knowledge can be learned only through the observation of people and their manners and life in general. The wisdom of using the knowledge gained from books is outside the scope of books and is superior to what can be found in books.
Critical Comments: 1. Crafty, cunning and mischievous persons look down upon studies because to them the knowledge gained through the books is impracticable and hence useless.
2. The foolish readers are greatly impressed by the knowledge contained in books.
(4) Some books are………………………and attention.
Reference to the Context: These lines are culled from the essay Of Studies written by Francis Bacon.
The author tells that there are different kinds of books and each book should be given attention according to its value and importance. To him, each book having a different subject needs different kind of attention.
Explanation: Bacon is highly poetic in the narration of his essays. He uses various kinds of metaphors to express his ideas. He presents a metaphor of eating, chewing and digesting with reference to the studying of books. According to him, some books are to be read only partially and not wholly. They should be read only in parts with a bird’s eye view. In other words, only a few extracts of their are to be studied. There are other books which should be read hurriedly. They do not require to be read seriously. These books are to be read thoroughly but without serious attention. There are some books which should be read wholly with minute attention. These books require a lot of labour and attention.
Their meaning should be understood seriously in different contexts.
(5) Histories make………………..to contend.
Reference to the Context: These maxims have been quoted from the essay Of Studies written by Francis Bacon.
The essayist narrates different kinds of books and the time needed to be devoted to their study. Here he discusses the nature and importance of different subjects and their impact on the personality of the readers.
Explanation: Bacon says that every subject has its own utility. Different subjects have their own uses. He says that men may read them according to their own likings and needs. Histories impart wisdom for the experiences of the ancient people are described in them. The study of poetry makes us witty. It sharpens our mind. Mathematics is useful to make men profound, sincere and keen. Besides study of other subjects such as philosophy, moral science, logic and rhetoric are also very useful for men. For example the study of philosophy makes us thoughtful and sincere for its study requires a lot of concentration. Bacon says that the art of reasoning and speaking impressively or noting down the ideas in a systematic order makes man perfect in his conversation and argument.
Critical Comments: 1. The essayist is depicting the usefulness of studying different subjects to develop different faculties of the mind.
2. The character of a person is reflected in and shaped by studies.
3. Studies of the books can be used to great advantage in correcting the defects, shortcomings and ailments of the mind.
Write the critical appreciation of the poem No. 12 entitled Far Below Flowed.
Write the critical appreciation of the poem No. 11 entitled Leave this Chanting.