
Discuss the life and works of Adil Jussawalla.

Discuss the life and works of Adil Jussawalla.

Discuss the life and works of Adil Jussawalla.

Discuss the life and works of Adil Jussawalla.



Adil Jussawalla is a well known name among the modern Indo Anglian literature, and he is generally considered to be the pillar of post colonial literature in India. He has expressed the misery and torture of the people during and after the partition of India and here his contribution is quite unique. His poems are, therefore, full of humanitarian attitude. He was born in Bombay in 1940 and passed larger part of his student life in England-in the University College at Oxford. After working in England in many capacities, he returned to Bombay in 1970 and started working actively in the fields of education and journalism where he earned a peculiar reputation for his contribution. He worked as editor in The Indian Express, The Debonair and The Times of India and got Honorary Fellowship at the International Writing Program. He made efforts and succeeded in founding the publishing cooperative clearing house. He is also recognized as a critic of modernity and modern culture. Most of his writings are directly related to India and Indian people and so it will not be wrong to call him a man of literature attached to the Indian soil. He gained quick popularity for his humanitarianism free from any philosophical ambiguity.


About the author

Salman Ahmad

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