
What is the importance of Sunday in the country?

What is the importance of Sunday in the country?

What is the importance of Sunday in the country?

What is the importance of Sunday in the country?


A Day of Liberty and Relaxation: There is great importance of Sunday in the countryside. Sunday plays a vital role in the life of the country people. This day brings full liberty and relaxation for the people of the countryside. On this day, the people feel complete liberty from the worldly business. During the six days of the week, they remain busy in worldly activities. They are badly surrounded with worldly tensions. They lead a life of hurry and worry. The worldly affairs do not give them opportunity to get relaxed physically and mentally, but the day of Sunday helps them in removing the tiredness of the six working days. On this day the villagers are seen in their best moods and to be free from the stress of work.

Purifying and Civilizing Effect on Mankind: The frequent returns of Sunday help in purifying and civilizing the people of the countryside. Had there been no Sunday, people, particularly of the countryside, would have remained savages and barbarians. The regular returns of Sunday give them an opportunity to appear in their cleanliest habits and most agreeable forms. The rust of boredom, staleness and indifference which accumulates during the period of six working days of the week is shaken off on Sunday. The return of Sunday makes people once again fresh, lively and amiable. It gives them opportunity to refresh their minds.

An Opportunity of Intermixing and Discussing Problems: On Sunday, the people of the countryside gather at one place and get opportunity to meet one another and converse on different subjects of their own choice. They discuss the important problems of village politics before or after the sermon is over. By discussing the affairs and problems, the country people try to reduce the gap or distance of their relations which had approached during the six busy days of week. They remove their differences by developing the feelings of love.

Developing the Spirits of Brotherhood and Humanity: By joining together on this day, the people develop the high spirits of affection, brotherhood and humanity. The sermons delivered by the chaplain impact their minds very much: The people are illumined with spiritual feelings. After forgetting the differences of the rich and the poor and the low and the high, they come to realize that they all are sons of one Supreme Being. The chaplain preaches moral lessons and explains their duties.


About the author

Salman Ahmad

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